So, still not much more to report. Things are smooth sailing...just getting easier each day. I did some lab related work today and it was good, I felt normal! I have to walk around with a cart to lean on and since I can't carry anything, but it was fine. As long as I can get work done, then who cares HOW it gets done.
So surgery was scheduled for May 27th, Renee emailed me back and Millis going to ANOTHER conference that far he kicked me to the curb June 13 and now May 27 for conferences. OK OK, I can't be too made since these conferences are VERY important in the future of hipsters everywhere. Fine, I'll let it slide this time. SOOO d-day is June 20. NO QUESTION! Pre-op is June 9. I can't wait. I know it'll be here at the blink of an eye and I can't wait. I hope to start PT the week after our cruise so that gives me about 12 weeks/3 months of strength training and getting back to normal before I do it all over again and on the final road to recovery. I know in the beginning I was REALLY bummed out about this whole thing but looking back it wasn't bad at all. I slept like CRAP and had terrible tailbone pain, but what did that last, a week? HAHA Going through it for the first time was hard because I didn't know HOW long it was going to last, but looking back it was not so terrible. Plus sleeping in our spare room really helped. We plan on buying a new mattress before June 20 anyway so that's a plus. :-)
Don't have much more to update. I'm getting around very well without the crutch around the house...I keep losing the crutch though! I set it down and forget where I left it. Time for my exercises! Update on Wednesday at 7 weeks!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011 -- Day 45
6 1/2 weeks post op and walking frequently without the crutch....still have a limp and it's really terrible because I want to rid myself of this awful limp I've had all my life. But my leg just isn't strong enough to give it up yet, plus it's longer than the other and the other is too sore. But all in all I feel at a good place. Last night went to the mall with Kevin and my Mom and I did a fair bit of walking/standing and felt pretty good, the one crutch wasn't bad at all, and this was after working 7 hours.
Today we did some grocery shopping, I put my crutch in the cart and just used that to lean on...felt pretty normal and how I did things pre-surgery. After that I went to the mall and looked for a shirt I couldn't find in my size last night. I managed to find some other things and was carrying them around in my empty hand along with my wallet and dropped that. UGH not so easy to just bend over and get it with a crutch but some nice older lady came running over and picked it up for me, thank you! I got my things and got out of there! I came home and organized our entire closet for the remainder of the afternoon. Who would have thought at at this stage in the recupe I'd be walking around and organizing closets? I feel SO fortunate to be doing SO well. Just hope my next one is as good. Speaking of....hellooooo May 27! Do I start the countdown? I can't be where I am now 6 weeks after May 27 is amazing to me. I can't to see how my right leg feels at that point. It's not in any hip pain which is so strange after being in so much pain. The muscles are still sore but everything else feels fine.
Attached are some pics of my incision. The stitch that was sticking out at the top has since disappeared!! I have no idea what was there in the morning and in the afternoon was gone. Now sure if my neosporin dissolved it or if it fell off. hahaha so gross. The pictures don't really do it justice, it looks real red but it's not that bad. It looks good in the morning after jeans aren't rubbing on it all day.
Haven't updated much of my do's and can't do's recently...but I no longer have a shower chair, I can just bend over to shave my leg, wash it and dry it. I use a regular toilet seat (but do use the handicap one in public places since it's usually higher than the others. I walk up and downstairs without the crutch (although it's still under my arm incase I need it). I walk around the kitchen/bedroom without the crutch to help build the muscles and try to kick the limp. Can put my leg out the side (the start of indian style) just a bit, but more than most people at this stage. I can put on socks and sneakers (when I'm not feeling lazy) and bring my leg up pretty close to my chest for a short period of time...that's not too comfortable yet. I don't sleep with any extra pillows anymore. So that's what's going on. There's not much I can't do. Obviously I can do almost everything, a bit modified.....except run really.
Here's the pics: excuse the stomach....this is what happens when you sit for 6 1/2 weeks with no exercise. NOT GOOD! We cruise in 20 days! crap.
Here's Kevin and I meeting Anthony Bourdain...I got him tickets for Christmas (notice I hid my crutch)!
Today we did some grocery shopping, I put my crutch in the cart and just used that to lean on...felt pretty normal and how I did things pre-surgery. After that I went to the mall and looked for a shirt I couldn't find in my size last night. I managed to find some other things and was carrying them around in my empty hand along with my wallet and dropped that. UGH not so easy to just bend over and get it with a crutch but some nice older lady came running over and picked it up for me, thank you! I got my things and got out of there! I came home and organized our entire closet for the remainder of the afternoon. Who would have thought at at this stage in the recupe I'd be walking around and organizing closets? I feel SO fortunate to be doing SO well. Just hope my next one is as good. Speaking of....hellooooo May 27! Do I start the countdown? I can't be where I am now 6 weeks after May 27 is amazing to me. I can't to see how my right leg feels at that point. It's not in any hip pain which is so strange after being in so much pain. The muscles are still sore but everything else feels fine.
Attached are some pics of my incision. The stitch that was sticking out at the top has since disappeared!! I have no idea what was there in the morning and in the afternoon was gone. Now sure if my neosporin dissolved it or if it fell off. hahaha so gross. The pictures don't really do it justice, it looks real red but it's not that bad. It looks good in the morning after jeans aren't rubbing on it all day.
Haven't updated much of my do's and can't do's recently...but I no longer have a shower chair, I can just bend over to shave my leg, wash it and dry it. I use a regular toilet seat (but do use the handicap one in public places since it's usually higher than the others. I walk up and downstairs without the crutch (although it's still under my arm incase I need it). I walk around the kitchen/bedroom without the crutch to help build the muscles and try to kick the limp. Can put my leg out the side (the start of indian style) just a bit, but more than most people at this stage. I can put on socks and sneakers (when I'm not feeling lazy) and bring my leg up pretty close to my chest for a short period of time...that's not too comfortable yet. I don't sleep with any extra pillows anymore. So that's what's going on. There's not much I can't do. Obviously I can do almost everything, a bit modified.....except run really.
Here's the pics: excuse the stomach....this is what happens when you sit for 6 1/2 weeks with no exercise. NOT GOOD! We cruise in 20 days! crap.
Here's Kevin and I meeting Anthony Bourdain...I got him tickets for Christmas (notice I hid my crutch)!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011 -- Day 43
SORRY, forgot to post on my 6-week anniversary.
Yesterday I went back to work again after a week and a half and doing much better. 3 1/2 weeks post was a little too early I think. I got so exhausted so easily. I feel much more awake by this point. So I worked about 7 hours yesterday and then Kevin and I went into New Haven for dinner and then to see Anthony Bourdain which was Kevin's Christmas present. We parked close to the restaurant and walked about 4 blocks to the theatre which was hard. My right leg was completely fine, it was my left that really wasn't letting me get around as easily. We got there a little early so just stood there until it opened (of course I was not offered a seat). We had tickets to a Beer and Wine tasting which became just a wine tasting, but it was fine. Then off to our seats but a pit stop at the bathroom first, we took the elevator from the first floor ALL the way up to the 5th then back down to the basement which is where the bathroom was. On the way back up, we waited...and waited...then I said F this lets take the stairs. I NEVER take the elevator for a couple flights of stairs and sure enough people were milking it! SO annoying. If you don't need to use the elevator, then don't! Obesity isn't an excuse either, you NEED to use the stairs. So we took the stairs and made it to our seats (again, was not offered any help or anyone offer to take my crutch to the back of the room - real sweet people). The show was AMAZING...I ordered aisle seats, but the aisle was on my left side! haha But I didn't need it for my right leg like I usually do. After the show we had tickets for a meet and greet/autograph signing. We try to fight the crowd, one chick KNOCKS my crutch with her huge pocketbook and didn't even acknowledge what she did (another piece of crap...did I ever mention I hate CT). So we FINALLY made it to the signing...we're waiting in line and still no offer of a chair for me to rest in. we left for the 4 block walk back to the truck which was very difficult because my left hip was in so much pain.
It was midnight by the time we went to bed but I still did my first round of new exercises! I'm now laying on my op side which feels great! I was nervous at first, I felt the screws at first...but now it just feels normal. Last night was the first time I didn't sleep with an extra pillow to put between my legs when I sleep on my other side. So again...big steps forward.
Today I did another 7 hour work day and it was fine. I did my exercises before I left for work and will do them again shortly before bed. The standing ones hurt my left leg because I have to stand on it and it strains and really truly hurts. I don't know which surgery date to pick..May 27 or June 13....sdhfdfh!!!
I know there are things I wanted to write here, I think about it all day but I can't remember anything else. Took some new incision pictures so will attach those tomorrow.
Yesterday I went back to work again after a week and a half and doing much better. 3 1/2 weeks post was a little too early I think. I got so exhausted so easily. I feel much more awake by this point. So I worked about 7 hours yesterday and then Kevin and I went into New Haven for dinner and then to see Anthony Bourdain which was Kevin's Christmas present. We parked close to the restaurant and walked about 4 blocks to the theatre which was hard. My right leg was completely fine, it was my left that really wasn't letting me get around as easily. We got there a little early so just stood there until it opened (of course I was not offered a seat). We had tickets to a Beer and Wine tasting which became just a wine tasting, but it was fine. Then off to our seats but a pit stop at the bathroom first, we took the elevator from the first floor ALL the way up to the 5th then back down to the basement which is where the bathroom was. On the way back up, we waited...and waited...then I said F this lets take the stairs. I NEVER take the elevator for a couple flights of stairs and sure enough people were milking it! SO annoying. If you don't need to use the elevator, then don't! Obesity isn't an excuse either, you NEED to use the stairs. So we took the stairs and made it to our seats (again, was not offered any help or anyone offer to take my crutch to the back of the room - real sweet people). The show was AMAZING...I ordered aisle seats, but the aisle was on my left side! haha But I didn't need it for my right leg like I usually do. After the show we had tickets for a meet and greet/autograph signing. We try to fight the crowd, one chick KNOCKS my crutch with her huge pocketbook and didn't even acknowledge what she did (another piece of crap...did I ever mention I hate CT). So we FINALLY made it to the signing...we're waiting in line and still no offer of a chair for me to rest in. we left for the 4 block walk back to the truck which was very difficult because my left hip was in so much pain.
It was midnight by the time we went to bed but I still did my first round of new exercises! I'm now laying on my op side which feels great! I was nervous at first, I felt the screws at first...but now it just feels normal. Last night was the first time I didn't sleep with an extra pillow to put between my legs when I sleep on my other side. So again...big steps forward.
Today I did another 7 hour work day and it was fine. I did my exercises before I left for work and will do them again shortly before bed. The standing ones hurt my left leg because I have to stand on it and it strains and really truly hurts. I don't know which surgery date to pick..May 27 or June 13....sdhfdfh!!!
I know there are things I wanted to write here, I think about it all day but I can't remember anything else. Took some new incision pictures so will attach those tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 -- Day 41
I never thought this day would EVER arrive. It has taken ages to get to my post-op appointment, but at the same time, tomorrow is 6 weeks post and I kind of can't believe it's been so long already. It was a good day. We headed up to Boston from Rhode Island which is usually 45min-1hour appointment was at 1pm so we left at 11:30am to make sure we had enough time. WELL let's just say I didn't get to my appointment until 1:30pm! Yes it took us two friggin' hours. I was not a happy camper. Must have been people coming back to Boston area after the 3-day weekend....or something!!
I had to pee SO badly, so Kevin dropped me off at the entrance to the hospital and I went up to the Ortho floor to check in and they sent me straight to x-ray. Dr. Millis was in the x-ray office so I saw him before my appointment (he must have been holding someone's leg for an x-ray....oh I remember those days haha). First thing he said was "are you eating?" wtf? That was a random question...I was like yeah..he's like "so your appetite is ok?" umm...yes. Do I look malnourished? NOPE! So I'm not sure I followed his questions...but he said he'll see me in a few minutes and off he went. I sat and waited to be called in (still having to pee) and they called me in a couple minutes later. One x-ray was done lying on the table which was mega uncomfortable...and the second was standing up, standing in a ballerina stance - left foot straight and right heal perpendicular to the left. I was a bit afraid to do this but it felt fine! So back I go to the Ortho area and FINALLY get to use the bathroom...naturally the Women's is closed! I knock on the "family" one and that is locked. wtf is going on! Another girl came up and we decided to use the Men's room so she stood outside while I went. I came out and Kevin said they called me in already! SHEESH! We usually wait 3 hours to get called in and now everything is nonstop. So I went into the consult room (same one as my first appointment ever...brought back memories. haha). We sat there for about 30 minutes and Dr. Millis came in with another Doctor that was visiting from India. The first thing he said was to walk to the door on one crutch. Now...I'm thinking so I pretend this is the first time I've done this and look a bit unsteady, or walk like I know what I'm doing! haha So I walked as normal and he was very impressed YAY!
They spent a while looking at all of my x-rays, comparing now vs. pre-op as well as now vs the day of surgery to see how well the bone has healed. He said my bone is healing great, but not all the way there just yet, which is fine because I'm not even 6 weeks post yet. So then he moved my leg all around to see my range of motion and what not, then he bent my leg up and told me to hold it which was also no problem. He was very impressed with my range of motion and strength (yay again). It was cool looking at my x-rays from pre vs. post because there was actually covering over my femur...I have a real socket? YIKES. I want to get a copy of my x-rays so I can post some pics.
So I was only with him for a short time and then he took me down to Jaime in PT to give me more exercises and he told me to be back in 4 weeks. WELL, that puts me approximately in St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands........I told him we were going in a cruise March 19. He said "oh, so you want to come in the week before and get rid of the crutches for good, huh?" I said YEP! So he allowed me to come in the week before, which makes it 3 weeks from today, March 15. I worked with Jaime, she had me walk with one crutch and said I was very stable so I can now use one crutch at home and two if I go out or long distances. WOW what an accomplishment. I told her I had been practicing and she said that sometimes I could get a stress fracture or something. But I have been good, not pushing anything, just doing what I can. She did more range of motion things and also told me I was really doing great. I was so excited! Here are my new exercises:
1) Quad Stretch - lay on my stomach and bring my heal to my butt to stretch my quad. This feels SO great.
2) Hamstring Stretch - lay on my back, wrap a sheet or towel around the bottom of my foot and pull leg up to stretch my hamstring...also feels great. But boy are my muscles tight. I wasn't flexible by any stretch of the imagination to begin with...and now I'm even worse!
3) Bridges - lay on back, bring both knees up, feet flat on table, squeeze a pillow or towel between knees and lift butt up, hold for 5 seconds and release.
4) Standing Hip Exercises -
A) Stand with feet shoulder width apart, bring leg out in front
B) Stand with feet shoulder width apart, bring leg out to the side
C) Stand with feet shoulder width apart, bring leg backward
These exercises were way too easy so Jaime gave me stretchy bands to tie around my ankles to give me some resistance, it was much harder. She also gave me the next level up in strength.
All in all it was a great day. I'm so happy to be down to one crutch. She also told me I can start to wean myself off of that at home. If I'm in the kitchen, or doing a little bit of walking in a small area to try walking without it. I really have to focus on not limping which is hard now but will come with time. I need to get the strength in order to commit to walking on this leg again. But it feels great. I'll take muscle pain over hip pain ANY day. I can also use the stationary bike at the gym and do crunches! Time to get ready for a bathing suit.
Lastly, Millis knows I'm ready for my left hip, he said he likes to wait 4-5 months, that way he can see how the first one heals and sees if he needs to tweak anything for the second one. So we're looking at May time frame. I emailed Renee to see if she can pencil me for a date. Can't believe I'm already planning the second one. But it's hard to do these exercises and walk without limping because my left hurts so badly
So I'm kinda bummed that he didn't spend more time with me, but at the same time I didn't have any issues and he knew I was doing fine. I guess that's a good thing. This was a long blog, but a lot happened today and I got a lot more information. I feel more comfortable about doing things now. It's been 6 weeks and last thing I knew, it was 1/6th weight, don't bend more than 90 degrees...but the more I felt better, the more I wanted to do. After talking with Jaime I don't have many restrictions. I can stretch and bend and walk with more weight and everything pretty much. It's just easier doing things after I know I'm allowed to. Good day good day...but now I have to learn to walk without the limp that I've had my entire life...this could be challenging.
Working tomorrow...will update at 6 weeks post-op.
I never thought this day would EVER arrive. It has taken ages to get to my post-op appointment, but at the same time, tomorrow is 6 weeks post and I kind of can't believe it's been so long already. It was a good day. We headed up to Boston from Rhode Island which is usually 45min-1hour appointment was at 1pm so we left at 11:30am to make sure we had enough time. WELL let's just say I didn't get to my appointment until 1:30pm! Yes it took us two friggin' hours. I was not a happy camper. Must have been people coming back to Boston area after the 3-day weekend....or something!!
I had to pee SO badly, so Kevin dropped me off at the entrance to the hospital and I went up to the Ortho floor to check in and they sent me straight to x-ray. Dr. Millis was in the x-ray office so I saw him before my appointment (he must have been holding someone's leg for an x-ray....oh I remember those days haha). First thing he said was "are you eating?" wtf? That was a random question...I was like yeah..he's like "so your appetite is ok?" umm...yes. Do I look malnourished? NOPE! So I'm not sure I followed his questions...but he said he'll see me in a few minutes and off he went. I sat and waited to be called in (still having to pee) and they called me in a couple minutes later. One x-ray was done lying on the table which was mega uncomfortable...and the second was standing up, standing in a ballerina stance - left foot straight and right heal perpendicular to the left. I was a bit afraid to do this but it felt fine! So back I go to the Ortho area and FINALLY get to use the bathroom...naturally the Women's is closed! I knock on the "family" one and that is locked. wtf is going on! Another girl came up and we decided to use the Men's room so she stood outside while I went. I came out and Kevin said they called me in already! SHEESH! We usually wait 3 hours to get called in and now everything is nonstop. So I went into the consult room (same one as my first appointment ever...brought back memories. haha). We sat there for about 30 minutes and Dr. Millis came in with another Doctor that was visiting from India. The first thing he said was to walk to the door on one crutch. Now...I'm thinking so I pretend this is the first time I've done this and look a bit unsteady, or walk like I know what I'm doing! haha So I walked as normal and he was very impressed YAY!
They spent a while looking at all of my x-rays, comparing now vs. pre-op as well as now vs the day of surgery to see how well the bone has healed. He said my bone is healing great, but not all the way there just yet, which is fine because I'm not even 6 weeks post yet. So then he moved my leg all around to see my range of motion and what not, then he bent my leg up and told me to hold it which was also no problem. He was very impressed with my range of motion and strength (yay again). It was cool looking at my x-rays from pre vs. post because there was actually covering over my femur...I have a real socket? YIKES. I want to get a copy of my x-rays so I can post some pics.
So I was only with him for a short time and then he took me down to Jaime in PT to give me more exercises and he told me to be back in 4 weeks. WELL, that puts me approximately in St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands........I told him we were going in a cruise March 19. He said "oh, so you want to come in the week before and get rid of the crutches for good, huh?" I said YEP! So he allowed me to come in the week before, which makes it 3 weeks from today, March 15. I worked with Jaime, she had me walk with one crutch and said I was very stable so I can now use one crutch at home and two if I go out or long distances. WOW what an accomplishment. I told her I had been practicing and she said that sometimes I could get a stress fracture or something. But I have been good, not pushing anything, just doing what I can. She did more range of motion things and also told me I was really doing great. I was so excited! Here are my new exercises:
1) Quad Stretch - lay on my stomach and bring my heal to my butt to stretch my quad. This feels SO great.
2) Hamstring Stretch - lay on my back, wrap a sheet or towel around the bottom of my foot and pull leg up to stretch my hamstring...also feels great. But boy are my muscles tight. I wasn't flexible by any stretch of the imagination to begin with...and now I'm even worse!
3) Bridges - lay on back, bring both knees up, feet flat on table, squeeze a pillow or towel between knees and lift butt up, hold for 5 seconds and release.
4) Standing Hip Exercises -
A) Stand with feet shoulder width apart, bring leg out in front
B) Stand with feet shoulder width apart, bring leg out to the side
C) Stand with feet shoulder width apart, bring leg backward
These exercises were way too easy so Jaime gave me stretchy bands to tie around my ankles to give me some resistance, it was much harder. She also gave me the next level up in strength.
All in all it was a great day. I'm so happy to be down to one crutch. She also told me I can start to wean myself off of that at home. If I'm in the kitchen, or doing a little bit of walking in a small area to try walking without it. I really have to focus on not limping which is hard now but will come with time. I need to get the strength in order to commit to walking on this leg again. But it feels great. I'll take muscle pain over hip pain ANY day. I can also use the stationary bike at the gym and do crunches! Time to get ready for a bathing suit.
Lastly, Millis knows I'm ready for my left hip, he said he likes to wait 4-5 months, that way he can see how the first one heals and sees if he needs to tweak anything for the second one. So we're looking at May time frame. I emailed Renee to see if she can pencil me for a date. Can't believe I'm already planning the second one. But it's hard to do these exercises and walk without limping because my left hurts so badly
So I'm kinda bummed that he didn't spend more time with me, but at the same time I didn't have any issues and he knew I was doing fine. I guess that's a good thing. This was a long blog, but a lot happened today and I got a lot more information. I feel more comfortable about doing things now. It's been 6 weeks and last thing I knew, it was 1/6th weight, don't bend more than 90 degrees...but the more I felt better, the more I wanted to do. After talking with Jaime I don't have many restrictions. I can stretch and bend and walk with more weight and everything pretty much. It's just easier doing things after I know I'm allowed to. Good day good day...but now I have to learn to walk without the limp that I've had my entire life...this could be challenging.
Working tomorrow...will update at 6 weeks post-op.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011 -- Day 40
Couple days short of 6 weeks! I can't believe it, it does seem like a long time even though to me it has taken forever because I'm just sitting here waiting!
Didn't do too much today....but I have been getting around on one crutch (oops)! But they are such a hassle I can't take it anymore. I'll definitely tell Millis what I've been doing, maybe he will let me ease to not using them!! YAY!
Don't have much of an update but I will update tomorrow after my appointment and will make a list of questions to ask the Doc! More later.
Didn't do too much today....but I have been getting around on one crutch (oops)! But they are such a hassle I can't take it anymore. I'll definitely tell Millis what I've been doing, maybe he will let me ease to not using them!! YAY!
Don't have much of an update but I will update tomorrow after my appointment and will make a list of questions to ask the Doc! More later.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011 -- Day 39
Happy Birthday Kevin!
We're in Rhode Island to celebrate Kevin's 26th birthday and hanging out here until Tuesday when we head up to Boston for my appointment (finally). Been pretty average, I'm just doing my thing like I have been. Today I did some shopping and used one crutch (YIKES) because I just couldn't STAND lugging everything around by myself with two crutches, a shopping cart and my backpack. I'm going to tell Millis that I've put more weight on my leg and maybe I can start PT sooner and drop the crutches sooner. That's my goal. So other than the usual, not much more to report. I think I slept on my side last night without the pillow between my legs, I kind of did it in my sleep so it's not like I could have helped it. The pillow is right there on the bed for my roll onto but in my sleep I guess I didn't want to use it.
I'm ready to start working out and getting in shape for our cruise, 26 days! This body is not bathing suit ready and that's not good. I have a lot to talk to Millis about so I'll be in much better shape in another month. So the post-op is Tuesday and then I'll be back to work Weds-Friday. Exciting, I know.
More updates later as things happen. I may not post until after my appointment when I (hopefully) have better news.
We're in Rhode Island to celebrate Kevin's 26th birthday and hanging out here until Tuesday when we head up to Boston for my appointment (finally). Been pretty average, I'm just doing my thing like I have been. Today I did some shopping and used one crutch (YIKES) because I just couldn't STAND lugging everything around by myself with two crutches, a shopping cart and my backpack. I'm going to tell Millis that I've put more weight on my leg and maybe I can start PT sooner and drop the crutches sooner. That's my goal. So other than the usual, not much more to report. I think I slept on my side last night without the pillow between my legs, I kind of did it in my sleep so it's not like I could have helped it. The pillow is right there on the bed for my roll onto but in my sleep I guess I didn't want to use it.
I'm ready to start working out and getting in shape for our cruise, 26 days! This body is not bathing suit ready and that's not good. I have a lot to talk to Millis about so I'll be in much better shape in another month. So the post-op is Tuesday and then I'll be back to work Weds-Friday. Exciting, I know.
More updates later as things happen. I may not post until after my appointment when I (hopefully) have better news.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011 -- Day 37
Wow, sorry all you blog fans out there...I've been slacking this week. Updated every other day...must mean my days have been rather full!
Yesterday was a little more relaxing than the rest. I FINALLY got my pedicure (YAY) which was much needed since my last one was around Christmas (before my Jan 3 surgery which was postponed) so I was dying for some foot attention, and boy did it feel wonderful. Also got an eyebrow waxing since I've become a little lax on that too! Nice day be pamper myself. My friend Dan brought over his little girl who just turned one, so I was able to get on the floor and play around with her which was really great! It gets uncomfortable because I can't bend my leg to sit indian style or anything else so it was just stretched out straight and the muscles are tight, but I could still do it!
At night I went to a couple different bars and tried to be normal! Of course I ran into people I knew and all had to ask questions...also saw one of my old crew coaches and was explaining that there was a reason why I was always the worst runner! It was great to get out and not be sitting at home in my sweatpants! I then went to another place that is more of a place for dancing and what not, I got SO antsy, gosh I can't wait until I can dance again, I tried to but didn't want to push people were looking at the dancing "girl on crutches" kinda strange so I figured I better stop. On a brighter side, I saw some girls downing Long Island Iced Teas and made a bet they'd be puking soon....sure enough about 10 minutes later they were in the bathroom hurling, good job.
Today I went to a luncheon with my parents and then to another basketball game tonight. Getting real pissed of the people who don't even TRY to move out of your way...HELLO I have crutches, believe me I'd more them if I could but I'm trying the best I can, the least you could do is move your ass to the side for a second! Idiots. So I was helping Mom sell clothing and did a LOT of standing...and hopping around on one leg (ok it was more of a limp walk) oh well. And sorry for complaining, since it's ALL I ever do, but this left leg can't take much more's hating me more than ever but there's nothing I can do. Will Tuesday ever come? I hope he lets me start putting more weight and maybe try to ditch the crutches so I don't feel so guilty when I try to walk around (holding onto counters and tables) without them. We'll see. I've also mastered walking up the stairs (like a normal person) but using crutches, it makes things a little quicker.
3 more days. :-p
Yesterday was a little more relaxing than the rest. I FINALLY got my pedicure (YAY) which was much needed since my last one was around Christmas (before my Jan 3 surgery which was postponed) so I was dying for some foot attention, and boy did it feel wonderful. Also got an eyebrow waxing since I've become a little lax on that too! Nice day be pamper myself. My friend Dan brought over his little girl who just turned one, so I was able to get on the floor and play around with her which was really great! It gets uncomfortable because I can't bend my leg to sit indian style or anything else so it was just stretched out straight and the muscles are tight, but I could still do it!
At night I went to a couple different bars and tried to be normal! Of course I ran into people I knew and all had to ask questions...also saw one of my old crew coaches and was explaining that there was a reason why I was always the worst runner! It was great to get out and not be sitting at home in my sweatpants! I then went to another place that is more of a place for dancing and what not, I got SO antsy, gosh I can't wait until I can dance again, I tried to but didn't want to push people were looking at the dancing "girl on crutches" kinda strange so I figured I better stop. On a brighter side, I saw some girls downing Long Island Iced Teas and made a bet they'd be puking soon....sure enough about 10 minutes later they were in the bathroom hurling, good job.
Today I went to a luncheon with my parents and then to another basketball game tonight. Getting real pissed of the people who don't even TRY to move out of your way...HELLO I have crutches, believe me I'd more them if I could but I'm trying the best I can, the least you could do is move your ass to the side for a second! Idiots. So I was helping Mom sell clothing and did a LOT of standing...and hopping around on one leg (ok it was more of a limp walk) oh well. And sorry for complaining, since it's ALL I ever do, but this left leg can't take much more's hating me more than ever but there's nothing I can do. Will Tuesday ever come? I hope he lets me start putting more weight and maybe try to ditch the crutches so I don't feel so guilty when I try to walk around (holding onto counters and tables) without them. We'll see. I've also mastered walking up the stairs (like a normal person) but using crutches, it makes things a little quicker.
3 more days. :-p
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011 -- Day 35
D'oh! I forgot day first missed day. :-( I was exhausted yesterday, I ended up going to bed early and sleeping late this morning (8am...yeah that's MAD late now). So yesterday was another eventful day full of things to do. My left leg of course, very painful and my hands hurt from crutching.
Today we got a slower start cuz I couldn't get moving. But I have a new baby cousin (second cousin really) so we ended up stopping to see her today (I don't know when I'd get to see her if it wasn't for now). She wasn't a full day old yet, SO cute...ahhhh. So peaceful just laying there. Welcome to the world Amelia! We have so many girls in the this family, my brother and I must bring on the boys! haha
So Mom and I went to Sam's Club and Walmart today and she MADE me use the motorized vehicle things at both stores. How embarrassing!! I swear to god I did not want to use it, but OMG did it help. Of course I get the strange looks since I'm cruisin' around at 26 years old, and not 86! I feel tired, but not exhausted like I have been and not as sore.
Again, not too much to report. Things just become second nature that sometimes I don't realize I'm doing it. I squatted down to the floor, to my knees, then back up very easily. Not sure if I'm supposed to. I've bent passed the 90 degrees weeks ago and everything feels fine. Any pain/soreness comes when I bring my leg up too close to my chest or too far out to the right side. Still working on the muscle strength lifting it any higher than 90 degrees, bending - no prob, lifting it is harder. I wonder if the screws limit my movements to some extent too...hmm. Sounds like a question for the doc. But anyway, things are feeling great. My back hurts a lot more than it used to. I really think a lot has to do with the crutches and all my weight going to one side. But boy, my lower back is sore. Guess that's going to heal with time too. Just get me to May/June for my LPAO and get over my complaining again and onto a pain free life.
I just realized, today is 5 weeks!!! omg.
Here's my embarrassing picture: (note the sunglasses so no one recognized me)
Today we got a slower start cuz I couldn't get moving. But I have a new baby cousin (second cousin really) so we ended up stopping to see her today (I don't know when I'd get to see her if it wasn't for now). She wasn't a full day old yet, SO cute...ahhhh. So peaceful just laying there. Welcome to the world Amelia! We have so many girls in the this family, my brother and I must bring on the boys! haha
So Mom and I went to Sam's Club and Walmart today and she MADE me use the motorized vehicle things at both stores. How embarrassing!! I swear to god I did not want to use it, but OMG did it help. Of course I get the strange looks since I'm cruisin' around at 26 years old, and not 86! I feel tired, but not exhausted like I have been and not as sore.
Again, not too much to report. Things just become second nature that sometimes I don't realize I'm doing it. I squatted down to the floor, to my knees, then back up very easily. Not sure if I'm supposed to. I've bent passed the 90 degrees weeks ago and everything feels fine. Any pain/soreness comes when I bring my leg up too close to my chest or too far out to the right side. Still working on the muscle strength lifting it any higher than 90 degrees, bending - no prob, lifting it is harder. I wonder if the screws limit my movements to some extent too...hmm. Sounds like a question for the doc. But anyway, things are feeling great. My back hurts a lot more than it used to. I really think a lot has to do with the crutches and all my weight going to one side. But boy, my lower back is sore. Guess that's going to heal with time too. Just get me to May/June for my LPAO and get over my complaining again and onto a pain free life.
I just realized, today is 5 weeks!!! omg.
Here's my embarrassing picture: (note the sunglasses so no one recognized me)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011 -- Day 33
Happy Valentine's Day!
It's almost 4:30pm and I am feeling real tired. I went with my mom first this this morning to her Dr. appointment and we've been going ever since. We did some errands, came home and took a quick shower (nothing is quick for me...) then went with my g-ma to her Dr. appointment and I sat in the waiting room watching a dvd. But I drove them and dropped them off and then parked the car, so I did some walking...nothing out of the ordinary though. I didn't get an awesome sleep last night for some reason. I was VERY tired but maybe I was too tired to sleep well. Who knows.
I just did some work from home and now I need to take a nap or something I can't keep my eyes open. But I feel great. I tried to sit indian style...kind of by accident and then I caught myself and thought what are you doing! But I continued to try it since I was halfway there, but that didn't work so I stopped dead in my tracks. That'll come in due time. Post-op in a week...can't wait. Just want to put weight on my leg so badly and see my new xrays and how the bone is growing. Maybe I can even go to one crutch soon, that would be lovely.
Going to another basketball game tonight with my parents and my pillow in tow...feel like such an old person carrying around my pillow to sit on. At least I can hide it in a backpack until I bust it out. :-p Probably another busy day tomorrow...but it helps with my strength and stamina so when I get back to work I will be able to do a little more.
That's all I got...just trying to get through these next couple weeks so I can be mobile again. Wish me luck.
It's almost 4:30pm and I am feeling real tired. I went with my mom first this this morning to her Dr. appointment and we've been going ever since. We did some errands, came home and took a quick shower (nothing is quick for me...) then went with my g-ma to her Dr. appointment and I sat in the waiting room watching a dvd. But I drove them and dropped them off and then parked the car, so I did some walking...nothing out of the ordinary though. I didn't get an awesome sleep last night for some reason. I was VERY tired but maybe I was too tired to sleep well. Who knows.
I just did some work from home and now I need to take a nap or something I can't keep my eyes open. But I feel great. I tried to sit indian style...kind of by accident and then I caught myself and thought what are you doing! But I continued to try it since I was halfway there, but that didn't work so I stopped dead in my tracks. That'll come in due time. Post-op in a week...can't wait. Just want to put weight on my leg so badly and see my new xrays and how the bone is growing. Maybe I can even go to one crutch soon, that would be lovely.
Going to another basketball game tonight with my parents and my pillow in tow...feel like such an old person carrying around my pillow to sit on. At least I can hide it in a backpack until I bust it out. :-p Probably another busy day tomorrow...but it helps with my strength and stamina so when I get back to work I will be able to do a little more.
That's all I got...just trying to get through these next couple weeks so I can be mobile again. Wish me luck.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011 -- Day 32
Holy tiredness. Been non-stop since I've been home and I'm exhausted. Can't say that I mind though. The toughest thing is getting in and out of cars.
Today I was literally out from about 10am-930pm...SO nuts. I felt so fine too, just really tired now.
Getting real antsy to walk on this new leg of mine. I think any fellow hipsters can attest to that, you just want to test it out and see what walking without pain actually feels like! I'll take a mini step here and there but nothing crazy, I just want to try it! I went to a local college basketball game today, so that was a good little adventure and all the locals got to see me and ask me a zillion times how I was doing and try to force me to use the elevator when I can clearly do stairs perfectly fine. That gets annoying. I traveled with my pillow today because I knew the bleachers were not going to be very comfortable, so that helped a LOT.
Really feeling great...end of May/early June can't come fast enough. But I guess I should worry about PT first before I run off for my second surgery. :-p
Not much else. Sleeping has been great. My futon is very comfortable...kinda want to try sleeping on my op leg, I think I probably can now...but that means ANOTHER pillow to deal with. Maybe I'll just leave well enough alone.
Here's another annoyance, then I'll call it a night...people thinking I had a hip replacement. Really? I'm really think I'm having a hip replacement? UGH! You hear hip surgery and automatically that's what they think..then I have to explain PAO as easily and quickly as possible. Then I mention the second one in a few months and they gasp ---> Annoyance #2. Anyway...enough of my ranting. Almost at 5 weeks. wowie kazowie.
Today I was literally out from about 10am-930pm...SO nuts. I felt so fine too, just really tired now.
Getting real antsy to walk on this new leg of mine. I think any fellow hipsters can attest to that, you just want to test it out and see what walking without pain actually feels like! I'll take a mini step here and there but nothing crazy, I just want to try it! I went to a local college basketball game today, so that was a good little adventure and all the locals got to see me and ask me a zillion times how I was doing and try to force me to use the elevator when I can clearly do stairs perfectly fine. That gets annoying. I traveled with my pillow today because I knew the bleachers were not going to be very comfortable, so that helped a LOT.
Really feeling great...end of May/early June can't come fast enough. But I guess I should worry about PT first before I run off for my second surgery. :-p
Not much else. Sleeping has been great. My futon is very comfortable...kinda want to try sleeping on my op leg, I think I probably can now...but that means ANOTHER pillow to deal with. Maybe I'll just leave well enough alone.
Here's another annoyance, then I'll call it a night...people thinking I had a hip replacement. Really? I'm really think I'm having a hip replacement? UGH! You hear hip surgery and automatically that's what they think..then I have to explain PAO as easily and quickly as possible. Then I mention the second one in a few months and they gasp ---> Annoyance #2. Anyway...enough of my ranting. Almost at 5 weeks. wowie kazowie.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011 -- Day 31
Date wise it's been a month since surgery, Jan 12! So crazy to sit and back realize that one hip is done, besides the screw removal of course.
So last night Kevin and I went out to dinner for Valentine's Day, we went to an authentic Spanish restaurant in New Haven and it was delicious, the host and maitre'd and our waiter were very helpful with a cripple like me, which made the evening nice. Even though I'm slightly getting sick of people trying to help too much. I can function pretty well on my own, thank you. Anyway, we were going to see a movie after dinner but I felt like having drinks instead. We like an asian place a few blocks away so decided to go there after dinner, I said I could walk and maybe have Kevin bring the car to me afterward, but I actually walked both ways, pretty far for crutches and narrow sidewalks due to the snow! A kid wiped out right in front of us and said it wasn't a good place for crutches, I told him I was a little better on my feet than him. It was fine, but my hands were getting tired and sore. But I really felt good, hip and all.
Today I made the trip to NY myself...the driving was fine. I didn't get cramped up or anything. Just the longest car ride I have had since surgery except for when we came back to CT from Boston, but I slept most of that trip. So I made a few stops, got gas (faster than most people at the pump I might add), stopped in to see my Grandma and stuff so it was a tiring day, getting in and out of the car isn't the easiest thing to do still.
Long day, but well worth it. I feel great, just minor aches and soreness but that will all come with time. I hope my futon is comfortable otherwise I'm gonna be in trouble! I traveled with my 3 staple pillows and already had 2 on my I should be able to get pretty comfy. Going to be a good relaxing week with my family. Then my post op!! YAY!
I'm super exhausted from the late night last night and waking up so early this morning so I'll call it a night.
So last night Kevin and I went out to dinner for Valentine's Day, we went to an authentic Spanish restaurant in New Haven and it was delicious, the host and maitre'd and our waiter were very helpful with a cripple like me, which made the evening nice. Even though I'm slightly getting sick of people trying to help too much. I can function pretty well on my own, thank you. Anyway, we were going to see a movie after dinner but I felt like having drinks instead. We like an asian place a few blocks away so decided to go there after dinner, I said I could walk and maybe have Kevin bring the car to me afterward, but I actually walked both ways, pretty far for crutches and narrow sidewalks due to the snow! A kid wiped out right in front of us and said it wasn't a good place for crutches, I told him I was a little better on my feet than him. It was fine, but my hands were getting tired and sore. But I really felt good, hip and all.
Today I made the trip to NY myself...the driving was fine. I didn't get cramped up or anything. Just the longest car ride I have had since surgery except for when we came back to CT from Boston, but I slept most of that trip. So I made a few stops, got gas (faster than most people at the pump I might add), stopped in to see my Grandma and stuff so it was a tiring day, getting in and out of the car isn't the easiest thing to do still.
Long day, but well worth it. I feel great, just minor aches and soreness but that will all come with time. I hope my futon is comfortable otherwise I'm gonna be in trouble! I traveled with my 3 staple pillows and already had 2 on my I should be able to get pretty comfy. Going to be a good relaxing week with my family. Then my post op!! YAY!
I'm super exhausted from the late night last night and waking up so early this morning so I'll call it a night.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011 -- Day 30
Sorry, not much to report today. I stayed home from work because I needed a little time to relax and rest after a long week.
Sleeping was fine, getting myself meals today was fine. Gonna shower and get ready for date night tonight. Sorry this is real short but I truly have nothing to report, no updates. Just taking things one day at a time and counting down until my post-op!
Sleeping was fine, getting myself meals today was fine. Gonna shower and get ready for date night tonight. Sorry this is real short but I truly have nothing to report, no updates. Just taking things one day at a time and counting down until my post-op!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011 -- Day 29
Another day, another entry in the blog.
I slept pretty well last night, I no longer have to keep a pillow under my op leg. I only sleep with one to my left so I can roll onto it to keep between my legs. I did get a little cozy last night with both legs leaning into the pillow, but I figured I would be good and keep it between my legs like the Doctor ordered. Sleeping is pretty good now, moving around isn't a problem...but now I want to sleep on my op side.
I got into work for 9 this morning, still not able to really do too much but it's nice to be out and around people. I left at 4 so it was a long day. Not sure if I can do it 5 days a week yet as I am very tired at the end of the day, but my stamina is building which is all I'm looking for right now.
I feel like my op leg can use a lot more weight. I try to stand on it just to see what it feels like and it feels fine, no pain at all. But I quickly go back on my other leg so I don't hurt something. I think we all need to push the envelope a little once in a while. Sometimes I'll stick my crutches in the corner of the kitchen or bathroom and just use things to lean on to get around. I will not go full weight bear on my op leg but more than 1/6 definitely. I just can't wait to walk normal so I can see what pain free hips feel like!
Other accomplishments, I can sit more comfortable in my recliner with my knee bent and leg flopped to the side, it has almost become second nature. I can put on my sneakers and tie them by myself. I'm standing for my entire shower, except to wash my op leg and to dry off. So I can basically do everything. I help clean up, empty the dishwasher, make lunch...etc. The only thing that is still difficult is putting on my sock! Usually Kevin does this for me before he goes to work. If I am sitting on a real low chair, I can grab my shin, pull my foot close and open the top of the sock with my other hand and wiggle my toes in. But this can be real difficult and doesn't always feel very good. This is the one thing I still need help with and will need help until I'm allowed to bend more than 90 degrees. I am just so happy with my recovery!
Watching my videos of learning to walk, and 4 weeks later I'm doing almost's amazing. So tomorrow Kevin and I are celebrating Valentine's Day, going out to dinner and a movie...I hope I can stay awake! I don't think I'll be able to work tomorrow as I am slightly run down and need to rest after a long week.
Keep on keeping on.
I slept pretty well last night, I no longer have to keep a pillow under my op leg. I only sleep with one to my left so I can roll onto it to keep between my legs. I did get a little cozy last night with both legs leaning into the pillow, but I figured I would be good and keep it between my legs like the Doctor ordered. Sleeping is pretty good now, moving around isn't a problem...but now I want to sleep on my op side.
I got into work for 9 this morning, still not able to really do too much but it's nice to be out and around people. I left at 4 so it was a long day. Not sure if I can do it 5 days a week yet as I am very tired at the end of the day, but my stamina is building which is all I'm looking for right now.
I feel like my op leg can use a lot more weight. I try to stand on it just to see what it feels like and it feels fine, no pain at all. But I quickly go back on my other leg so I don't hurt something. I think we all need to push the envelope a little once in a while. Sometimes I'll stick my crutches in the corner of the kitchen or bathroom and just use things to lean on to get around. I will not go full weight bear on my op leg but more than 1/6 definitely. I just can't wait to walk normal so I can see what pain free hips feel like!
Other accomplishments, I can sit more comfortable in my recliner with my knee bent and leg flopped to the side, it has almost become second nature. I can put on my sneakers and tie them by myself. I'm standing for my entire shower, except to wash my op leg and to dry off. So I can basically do everything. I help clean up, empty the dishwasher, make lunch...etc. The only thing that is still difficult is putting on my sock! Usually Kevin does this for me before he goes to work. If I am sitting on a real low chair, I can grab my shin, pull my foot close and open the top of the sock with my other hand and wiggle my toes in. But this can be real difficult and doesn't always feel very good. This is the one thing I still need help with and will need help until I'm allowed to bend more than 90 degrees. I am just so happy with my recovery!
Watching my videos of learning to walk, and 4 weeks later I'm doing almost's amazing. So tomorrow Kevin and I are celebrating Valentine's Day, going out to dinner and a movie...I hope I can stay awake! I don't think I'll be able to work tomorrow as I am slightly run down and need to rest after a long week.
Keep on keeping on.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Videos from the Hospital
Day 4 - day after epidural was removed
Day 5
Day 5 - trying stairs for the first time
Pics from the Hospital
Don't leave home without your Snuggie!

Gotta check those vitals every.hour.on.the.hour.
Paying close attention to my learn to walk instructor while trying to focus from the meds
My first steps, AWW!
Too bad they lost!!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 -- Day 28
4 weeks!! I can't believe it's technically been a month since my PAO and how far I've come in so short a time.
So I got into work today around 9:30am. I definitely tried to take it slower than Monday because I kicked my own ass that day. My co-worker was there so it was more fun to have someone to talk to. We're SWAMPED it's not even funny, she's been working until almost 7pm every night (we usually work until 4:30!) Even though I'm back part time, I still can't lift/carry anything so it's not like I can really do a whole hell of a lot for her. But I think it relaxed her a bit, me just being there. I take care of all the BS and she can just do the other things. So basically we decided I would make all of the paperwork so she can just make stuff all day. The paperwork is the time consuming part of the job so all I have to do is sit and it helps her out SO much. That's our plan. I left at 3:45! So I really put in almost a full day and feel really good. When I got home I washed the dishes because the sink was FULL and I figured it would help Kevin I'm sitting in my chair. :-)
So the 4 week feel great, what more can I say? I can ALMOST do my exercises by myself, but the front of my hip/groin area hurt a bit when I try to bring my leg up to 90 degrees, almost like a cramp. Also, doing the side to side exercise is sore when I bring it towards my other leg. The muscle from my hamstring to my butt still is a little sore but that gets better when I walk and move around more. I'm more aware of my incision and screws, especially while I'm sitting at my desk and my pants are a bit tighter. I have attempted jeans once...but they are hanging off of me! I tried to weigh myself last night but it doesn't seem like I've lost any weight! My jeans are SO loose in my leg/thigh area who knows. Rolling around in bed is much easier, shower is getting easier. I only sit to wash my op leg and dry off. Also, I'm supposed to be putting 1/6 my weight on my leg but I think I've bypassed that weeks ago! It feels fine, but I don't make it a habit. Just try to do things here and there.
Kevin took pictures and videos of me in the hospital learning to walk and everything so I will make a new post after this with all of those items. It's amazing watching myself try to walk for the first time. I remember it as plain as day how difficult it was! But the second and third times were SO easy. I really do amaze myself, I can't WAIT for my LPAO! (and my post-op appointment)!!!!
So I got into work today around 9:30am. I definitely tried to take it slower than Monday because I kicked my own ass that day. My co-worker was there so it was more fun to have someone to talk to. We're SWAMPED it's not even funny, she's been working until almost 7pm every night (we usually work until 4:30!) Even though I'm back part time, I still can't lift/carry anything so it's not like I can really do a whole hell of a lot for her. But I think it relaxed her a bit, me just being there. I take care of all the BS and she can just do the other things. So basically we decided I would make all of the paperwork so she can just make stuff all day. The paperwork is the time consuming part of the job so all I have to do is sit and it helps her out SO much. That's our plan. I left at 3:45! So I really put in almost a full day and feel really good. When I got home I washed the dishes because the sink was FULL and I figured it would help Kevin I'm sitting in my chair. :-)
So the 4 week feel great, what more can I say? I can ALMOST do my exercises by myself, but the front of my hip/groin area hurt a bit when I try to bring my leg up to 90 degrees, almost like a cramp. Also, doing the side to side exercise is sore when I bring it towards my other leg. The muscle from my hamstring to my butt still is a little sore but that gets better when I walk and move around more. I'm more aware of my incision and screws, especially while I'm sitting at my desk and my pants are a bit tighter. I have attempted jeans once...but they are hanging off of me! I tried to weigh myself last night but it doesn't seem like I've lost any weight! My jeans are SO loose in my leg/thigh area who knows. Rolling around in bed is much easier, shower is getting easier. I only sit to wash my op leg and dry off. Also, I'm supposed to be putting 1/6 my weight on my leg but I think I've bypassed that weeks ago! It feels fine, but I don't make it a habit. Just try to do things here and there.
Kevin took pictures and videos of me in the hospital learning to walk and everything so I will make a new post after this with all of those items. It's amazing watching myself try to walk for the first time. I remember it as plain as day how difficult it was! But the second and third times were SO easy. I really do amaze myself, I can't WAIT for my LPAO! (and my post-op appointment)!!!!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011 -- Day 27
Well that came around to bite me. I overdid it yesterday by spending 6 hours at work and I'm paying for it. After we ate dinner last night we settled in to watch Office Space and I fell asleep at 7pm!!! Woke up at 9:30 and we both went to bed. I decided to stay home today and rest. I was VERY sore last night (non-op leg) only a little stiff in the op leg which is fine today (yay).
I've lounged around and then started to actually clean this place up a bit. My "area" is a MESS so I'm trying to organize my stuff since I can get around more I don't really need everything at hands reach. So it looks better in here. Also, we had someone coming to look at our kitchen table to because it's under warranty and keeps to be touched up a little. I figured it's easier for me to stay home then to have Kevin run home for nothing.
Don't have much else to report...I'm feeling really great. I can sit more comfortably in my chair, pull my feet up and let my leg flop to the side much easier than before. Moving my leg out to the right side is easier than moving it in toward my other leg, that movement still needs some work. Tomorrow is 4 weeks post-op. I can't say that it has flown by...but big improvements!
I've lounged around and then started to actually clean this place up a bit. My "area" is a MESS so I'm trying to organize my stuff since I can get around more I don't really need everything at hands reach. So it looks better in here. Also, we had someone coming to look at our kitchen table to because it's under warranty and keeps to be touched up a little. I figured it's easier for me to stay home then to have Kevin run home for nothing.
Don't have much else to report...I'm feeling really great. I can sit more comfortably in my chair, pull my feet up and let my leg flop to the side much easier than before. Moving my leg out to the right side is easier than moving it in toward my other leg, that movement still needs some work. Tomorrow is 4 weeks post-op. I can't say that it has flown by...but big improvements!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011 -- Day 26
PHEW, first time I've put my feet up all day. I left for work at 9am, driving was pretty good. I took Kevin's truck since my car needed gas, but he has no rear brakes so it was a double whammy. I ended up left-foot braking because my right foot kept hitting the gas and brake at the same time. It'll be better when I get to drive my own car.
So it was good to be back and work and seeing everyone, so many questions from people, UGH! I went to the lab and settled in and tried to get organized and basically just sat there for a while. My co-worker called out sick it was just me. I actually did some lab related work too, just to see if I could and BOY was that exhausting. I had to use a little cart to put everything on, push it in front of me, crutch to it, push it again...crutch to annoying. So after I did all that my left hip was so sore but the new one was perfect! I had to keep getting up and walking around because it does get sore sitting upright, but not too bad.
I ended up leaving around 3pm because I was so so tired. I did stop at the grocery store to get a handful of things....thought I could just grab a bag and carry it with me, not so easy. I only got 4 things but it was SO hectic and I was sweating. Crutching around is just a pain in the ass. Finally made it home, then started some homemade bread in the breadmaker and a pot of pasta sauce. So happy to see Kevin walk in the door and here I am in my chair.
The only negative thing is the pain on my non-op hip. I can't wait to be able to put more weight on the op one so it relieves that one a bit.
I slept great last night. Didn't wake up until 5:30am the first time, so that was awesome! I fell asleep on my stomach and woke up on my back...I just get worried I turn the right way! But I'm getting so much more comfortable in bed, still have 2 pillows for my legs which cramps Kevin a bit, but there's not much I can do about that.
Time to relax and decide if I want to work tomorrow. :-)
So it was good to be back and work and seeing everyone, so many questions from people, UGH! I went to the lab and settled in and tried to get organized and basically just sat there for a while. My co-worker called out sick it was just me. I actually did some lab related work too, just to see if I could and BOY was that exhausting. I had to use a little cart to put everything on, push it in front of me, crutch to it, push it again...crutch to annoying. So after I did all that my left hip was so sore but the new one was perfect! I had to keep getting up and walking around because it does get sore sitting upright, but not too bad.
I ended up leaving around 3pm because I was so so tired. I did stop at the grocery store to get a handful of things....thought I could just grab a bag and carry it with me, not so easy. I only got 4 things but it was SO hectic and I was sweating. Crutching around is just a pain in the ass. Finally made it home, then started some homemade bread in the breadmaker and a pot of pasta sauce. So happy to see Kevin walk in the door and here I am in my chair.
The only negative thing is the pain on my non-op hip. I can't wait to be able to put more weight on the op one so it relieves that one a bit.
I slept great last night. Didn't wake up until 5:30am the first time, so that was awesome! I fell asleep on my stomach and woke up on my back...I just get worried I turn the right way! But I'm getting so much more comfortable in bed, still have 2 pillows for my legs which cramps Kevin a bit, but there's not much I can do about that.
Time to relax and decide if I want to work tomorrow. :-)
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011 -- Day 25 Another UPDATE
Before I head off to bed had to give another update....after being at a Superbowl party and doing grocery shopping and in and out of the car, I feel great! Sitting in an upright chair all afternoon at the party was fine! Again, I felt like I was normal. I could cross my legs (for a little while) and find positions that weren't painful. When I stood up I wasn't stiff (in my op leg) or anything. Just amazing. I feel like I've turned the corner again after I was just thinking I went backwards. The muscle soreness on the back of my leg/butt seems to have gone away (YAY). Kevin helped with my exercise last night before bed (where I lay down and bring my leg up to 90 degrees) and maybe that helped stretch me a bit.
Hope this keeps getting better! And hope the bone keeps growing quickly as possible!
Off to work for a few hours tomorrow to see how that goes.
Hope this keeps getting better! And hope the bone keeps growing quickly as possible!
Off to work for a few hours tomorrow to see how that goes.
Sunday, February 6, 2011 -- Day 25 UPDATE
I'm sorry, I think I just shit myself. Does that Insurance claim say $51,000.00 for the hospital stay and $20,000.00 for the surgery?? Nevermind the $6,000.00 for Anesthesia. BWWAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Sunday, February 6, 2011 -- Day 25
Kind of a lot to report today...
Yesterday was a busy day, BJ's was tiring but I used the shopping cart to lean on which helped, except the a-hole's that see my crutches in the cart and still walk right in front of me like I can stop and turn the cart quickly - which I cannot.
We had dinner at our friends house last night and it was so good to get out! We played board games and I felt so normal for once, sometimes I actually felt like my hip was normal! I was able to sit up basically the entire day and not recline in my chair so that's a huge improvement. ALSO, I got onto the floor to play with my friend's dog (HI JEN...I know you're reading this)! I was able to slide off the couch and onto my knees, and then sit back so my butt was on my heels. It was pretty comfortable, except my quad was sore...maybe stretching it since it hasn't been in that position in a while. But wow...that was another step in my recovery and made me one step closer! Had my first adult beverage in like a month! haha big things are happening.
I emailed Millis yesterday asking when I could start driving and working - my paid vacaion/personal/sick days are gone so now my paycheck consists of whatever I can do from home, which isn't much. As much as I don't want to rush this recovery, I really need to do more because we need a bigger paycheck than what I'm getting. SO he replied and told me I can start driving AND working (on a revised schedule of course). So he sent me a letter to give to human resources and I can work as much/as little as I feel comfortable and no lifting/carrying of anything as I am still on crutches. This week I will start back a few days, a few hours and see how it goes. Today will be my first day driving, I will probably have to brake with my left foot for a while until my right gets stronger but MORE improvements. :-)
Off to the grocery store, don't need too much but if I survived BJ's then Stop n Shop should be a breeze! We're then off to a Superbowl party at 3pm that's right around the corner from our house.
So big things are happening, keep on keeping on!
UGH so I thought that stress and everything else is supposed to delay your period? FAT CHANCE! It decides to come the night before surgery and not even a full month later it's rearing it's ugly head. I hate you! ahha After all my poor body has been through I would think it wouldn't be here for a while. So stupid. And since my lower ab area (pooch) is numb I'm thinking cramps won't be an issue...while there is some truth to that, I still feel them slightly. Thumbs down.
Yesterday was a busy day, BJ's was tiring but I used the shopping cart to lean on which helped, except the a-hole's that see my crutches in the cart and still walk right in front of me like I can stop and turn the cart quickly - which I cannot.
We had dinner at our friends house last night and it was so good to get out! We played board games and I felt so normal for once, sometimes I actually felt like my hip was normal! I was able to sit up basically the entire day and not recline in my chair so that's a huge improvement. ALSO, I got onto the floor to play with my friend's dog (HI JEN...I know you're reading this)! I was able to slide off the couch and onto my knees, and then sit back so my butt was on my heels. It was pretty comfortable, except my quad was sore...maybe stretching it since it hasn't been in that position in a while. But wow...that was another step in my recovery and made me one step closer! Had my first adult beverage in like a month! haha big things are happening.
I emailed Millis yesterday asking when I could start driving and working - my paid vacaion/personal/sick days are gone so now my paycheck consists of whatever I can do from home, which isn't much. As much as I don't want to rush this recovery, I really need to do more because we need a bigger paycheck than what I'm getting. SO he replied and told me I can start driving AND working (on a revised schedule of course). So he sent me a letter to give to human resources and I can work as much/as little as I feel comfortable and no lifting/carrying of anything as I am still on crutches. This week I will start back a few days, a few hours and see how it goes. Today will be my first day driving, I will probably have to brake with my left foot for a while until my right gets stronger but MORE improvements. :-)
Off to the grocery store, don't need too much but if I survived BJ's then Stop n Shop should be a breeze! We're then off to a Superbowl party at 3pm that's right around the corner from our house.
So big things are happening, keep on keeping on!
UGH so I thought that stress and everything else is supposed to delay your period? FAT CHANCE! It decides to come the night before surgery and not even a full month later it's rearing it's ugly head. I hate you! ahha After all my poor body has been through I would think it wouldn't be here for a while. So stupid. And since my lower ab area (pooch) is numb I'm thinking cramps won't be an issue...while there is some truth to that, I still feel them slightly. Thumbs down.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011 -- Day 24
Quick update before Kevin and I go back out for more errands.
Last night I slept in our bed with Kevin and it was alright. A little harder to move around in one spot with all my pillows I keep in tow. The other morning I stretched in bed and felt like I tweaked a muscle in my hip/butt area and thought it was no big deal but it still kind of hurts. I'm not happy about this. I thought it was going to go away but today it hurts more than before. I hurts when I sit on my right butt cheek. It is also a little sore getting in and out of the car. The pain is in my hip, but more by my butt/pelvis. UGH I hope if I keep doing my exercises it will fix it and it can heal.
This morning we went to AAA to get my passport photo taken (for our cruise in March) and then went to Kohl's to pay my bill. Walking a few minutes in Kohl's was SO painful on my non-op hip. I don't know how I can keep up with the walking until I can put weight on the new hip. We came home for some lunch and about to head out to BJ's (more pain to endure) and then off to our friends house for dinner.
Not much more to say...
Last night I slept in our bed with Kevin and it was alright. A little harder to move around in one spot with all my pillows I keep in tow. The other morning I stretched in bed and felt like I tweaked a muscle in my hip/butt area and thought it was no big deal but it still kind of hurts. I'm not happy about this. I thought it was going to go away but today it hurts more than before. I hurts when I sit on my right butt cheek. It is also a little sore getting in and out of the car. The pain is in my hip, but more by my butt/pelvis. UGH I hope if I keep doing my exercises it will fix it and it can heal.
This morning we went to AAA to get my passport photo taken (for our cruise in March) and then went to Kohl's to pay my bill. Walking a few minutes in Kohl's was SO painful on my non-op hip. I don't know how I can keep up with the walking until I can put weight on the new hip. We came home for some lunch and about to head out to BJ's (more pain to endure) and then off to our friends house for dinner.
Not much more to say...
Friday, February 4, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011 -- Day 23
Not too bad of a day today. I took a shower and didn't have to sit at all, which is good for my stamina, but my left non-op leg did hurt from putting all my weight on it. So things are getting better in that area.
I emailed Dr. Millis today and asked if I could start work next week for a couple days, or a few hours. I want to ease back into work and so I might as well start asap, plus my vaca/per/sick time is gone so it basically sucks. I also asked if I could start driving soon...I'm not trying to rush it, just not sure the timing on all of these things so I might as well ask. So we'll see, next week may be a new experience. But I know I'll get super exhausted at first so I will start at a few hours.
As far as my hip, it's doing well. Sleeping on my stomach gets better and better each night. I stretched this morning and felt like I strained my op leg and it has been kind of sore, more in the back of my hip/butt area. So I hope I didn't mess anything up there. Sitting in my recliner was good today because I pulled both legs up and let my op leg flop to the side and rest on the arm of the chair! It felt so good to sit like myself again and not have my dumb leg always sticking out in front of me getting cold and clammy. I can't rest it against my other leg yet, but out to the side was fine.
All for now, going to be a busy weekend (busy and tiring for me) so I hope to update each day!
I emailed Dr. Millis today and asked if I could start work next week for a couple days, or a few hours. I want to ease back into work and so I might as well start asap, plus my vaca/per/sick time is gone so it basically sucks. I also asked if I could start driving soon...I'm not trying to rush it, just not sure the timing on all of these things so I might as well ask. So we'll see, next week may be a new experience. But I know I'll get super exhausted at first so I will start at a few hours.
As far as my hip, it's doing well. Sleeping on my stomach gets better and better each night. I stretched this morning and felt like I strained my op leg and it has been kind of sore, more in the back of my hip/butt area. So I hope I didn't mess anything up there. Sitting in my recliner was good today because I pulled both legs up and let my op leg flop to the side and rest on the arm of the chair! It felt so good to sit like myself again and not have my dumb leg always sticking out in front of me getting cold and clammy. I can't rest it against my other leg yet, but out to the side was fine.
All for now, going to be a busy weekend (busy and tiring for me) so I hope to update each day!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011 -- Day 22
Pretty typical day, nothing to report. I slept the same, stomach to side to back to side to stomach...all night. It keeps waking me up to roll over but I still get a good nights sleep. I usually wake up around 6:30 and get myself to the bathroom, I can get in and out of bed pretty quickly now so it's not much of a pain. Get myself out of bed around 8 and make some breakfast. I've been making an egg white omelet with scallions, green peppers and tomatoes on half of a Fiber One muffin, toasted. I can do it all myself as well as walk into the other room to sit in my chair and eat it. I'm feeling pretty confident about things...Kevin is going snowboarding tomorrow until around 8-9pm so that means I have to do ALL my meals (except my lunch sandwich because he makes that at night for me). For dinner I'll just have a frozen meal that I stocked up on and make a salad, should be pretty easy. Not feeling up to doing dishes yet...I think it may be MANY months before I'm ready for that. :-D
My scar is looking even better which is good! I wish I didn't have to wait so long until my appointment, but if I were to go tomorrow, it's not like I could start doing things before I was healed enough anyway, so what am I so antsy for? Just an impatient person and it surely shows. Can't wait until I can drive and walk outside! That'll be heaven!
I did 10 squats today...I figure that will help strengthen both legs. I stood with feet shoulder width apart and held onto my crutches in each hand and squatted down a bit, 80-90% weight bearing on my non-op leg held for a couple seconds and back up. It felt good, but it really hurt the non-op hip but it's pain I have to deal with until I can get it fixed. I don't know if Dr. Millis has ever had someone BEG for a PAO, but that's me...HURRY UP RPAO AND HEAL!
My scar is looking even better which is good! I wish I didn't have to wait so long until my appointment, but if I were to go tomorrow, it's not like I could start doing things before I was healed enough anyway, so what am I so antsy for? Just an impatient person and it surely shows. Can't wait until I can drive and walk outside! That'll be heaven!
I did 10 squats today...I figure that will help strengthen both legs. I stood with feet shoulder width apart and held onto my crutches in each hand and squatted down a bit, 80-90% weight bearing on my non-op leg held for a couple seconds and back up. It felt good, but it really hurt the non-op hip but it's pain I have to deal with until I can get it fixed. I don't know if Dr. Millis has ever had someone BEG for a PAO, but that's me...HURRY UP RPAO AND HEAL!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 -- Day 21
Happy 3 weeks! Wowwie, can't say the time as flown by that's for damn sure. But we're making progress and that's about all I can ask for.
I get tired early at night so I was in bed before 9pm last night and I was kind of annoyed because I didn't want to be awake early, but I actually slept until about 6:30am! I couldn't believe it, this healing thing sure is taking a lot out of me. I slept on my stomach a bit more easily last night and can turn to my side and back also easier and with a bit less pain/soreness.
Not much else to say, attempt another shower's kind of annoying because it's such a process but it will take some time out of my day. Kevin got out of work early since they closed early due to the snow and ice and today they are opening late so it's making my week go a little faster too with someone else here. We watched two movies yesterday which also was fun.
I think I feel two gross. I knew I felt one and I had Kevin touch my hip bone (which sticks out normally anyway) and he felt it and then felt another one right next to it. It's such a weird feeling! But still kind of cool!
I get tired early at night so I was in bed before 9pm last night and I was kind of annoyed because I didn't want to be awake early, but I actually slept until about 6:30am! I couldn't believe it, this healing thing sure is taking a lot out of me. I slept on my stomach a bit more easily last night and can turn to my side and back also easier and with a bit less pain/soreness.
Not much else to say, attempt another shower's kind of annoying because it's such a process but it will take some time out of my day. Kevin got out of work early since they closed early due to the snow and ice and today they are opening late so it's making my week go a little faster too with someone else here. We watched two movies yesterday which also was fun.
I think I feel two gross. I knew I felt one and I had Kevin touch my hip bone (which sticks out normally anyway) and he felt it and then felt another one right next to it. It's such a weird feeling! But still kind of cool!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 -- Day 20
Wow, tomorrow is 3 weeks post-op...I can't say that time has flown by but it's gone pretty quick! I hope the next 3 go just as fast to I can get to my Dr. appointment and maybe add more weight or something!
I emailed Dr. Millis yesterday telling him my progress and to see if there was anything additional I could do to help strengthen. He said I can walk in a pool with water to my waist (not sure where to find a pool right now - for my LPAO it'll be summer and our Condo has a pool) but for now I'm pretty stuck, and my gym doesn't have a pool. He has also allowed me to use a stationary bike! Another cool thing, but I don't think I can drive yet so basically someone would have to drive me to the gym. Bummer. But I'd only last 15-20 minutes anyway. AND...ready for this? Drum roll.... I CAN SLEEP ON MY STOMACH! Heck yeah, right? He said I may want a pillow under my stomach while I lay, but I don't know how that would be comfortable at all. I tried being on my stomach last night (while Kevin was there so I wasn't a beached whale all night) and it was pretty good. It got slightly sore so I had to keep moving from side to back but one more step!
Scar is looking great and keeping up with the Neosporin. I don't have much else to write about at the moment.
I emailed Dr. Millis yesterday telling him my progress and to see if there was anything additional I could do to help strengthen. He said I can walk in a pool with water to my waist (not sure where to find a pool right now - for my LPAO it'll be summer and our Condo has a pool) but for now I'm pretty stuck, and my gym doesn't have a pool. He has also allowed me to use a stationary bike! Another cool thing, but I don't think I can drive yet so basically someone would have to drive me to the gym. Bummer. But I'd only last 15-20 minutes anyway. AND...ready for this? Drum roll.... I CAN SLEEP ON MY STOMACH! Heck yeah, right? He said I may want a pillow under my stomach while I lay, but I don't know how that would be comfortable at all. I tried being on my stomach last night (while Kevin was there so I wasn't a beached whale all night) and it was pretty good. It got slightly sore so I had to keep moving from side to back but one more step!
Scar is looking great and keeping up with the Neosporin. I don't have much else to write about at the moment.
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