Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011- Day 54

Wow....sorry for the huge delay on this blog. I'm at about 7 1/2 weeks and still chugging along...barely. I had to have a little break down yesterday, I'm just SO over this crap and ready to move on with my life. I'm comparing this surgery to my first one, I know I shouldn't, but I do. At this point I was doing SO well. No pain or anything. With this one, I have no inner thigh/leg strength yet (and that's the FIRST exercise I get after surgery), I can't sleep comfortably, I have pain in the joint when I sleep in certain positions, I was able to do almost a full indian style, and now I have a new pain running from the front of my hip to my knee cap and it's terrible. I usually get the feeling when I'm sitting in a chair and I cross my ankles underneath me. It feels as though a mini barbed wire is being pulled through my thigh, it's the worst. I also still have the pain in my butt (back of the socket really) where the bone hasn't fully healed. But I feel as though I just hit a stone wall, I feel like things aren't getting any better. I know 5 screws isn't helping the situation, but I don't understand why my muscles are taking so long to get better. I'm just sick of lugging this crutch around, not being able to walk properly....sleepless, restless nights and painful feelings. I hate it so much. I know I'm supposed to be strong and positive and blah blah blah but out of the 7 1/2 months we've had in 2011 I've been on crutches for about 5 of them so far......now you put a smile on your face.

In better news, fellow hipster Alana is getting he FINAL hardware removed on Friday! I'm so excited for her and so glad she will officially be on the road to a complete recovery and be able to put this all behind her. She has been my rock through all of this and I'm not sure how I could have been through this without her. :-)

So, anyway.....not much else going on. I'm still working kind of part time, although today I worked 9-4. It's just hard because I'm still in some pain, still on a crutch and unable to do a lot and I still get tired. UGH I hate all of this. That's all I can rant about now.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011- Day 43

6 WEEKS! = 1 and a half months! woohoooooooooooooooooo

Things are going well. Can't complain, and even if I did what good would that do? I took a few steps tonight without my crutch and it felt really good. I still have an achy feeling in my butt which is where the larger gap is where the bone has yet to fill in. Other than that I feel as though I'm getting stronger and a little more flexible, however slow it may be.

Unfortunately, there's not much else to say. I worked 4 days this week, about 20 hours. It's hard because there's not much I can do yet being as I'm on a crutch still. So a lot of time is spent at my desk which is hard to do.

Tomorrow is my work picnic so that will be a good time and then hopefully some festivities with our neighbors. Other than that, just keeping on! My fellow hipster that had her second PAO a week before my first one in January is getting her screws out in 2 weeks! So excited, she'll be done. She's still having some pain and soreness but it's all part of the healing. Her first PAO is almost a year post and the second is about 6 months post....so it's still very early.

I guess that's all to report.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011- Day 41

This is post #100 on day 41! Wow...almost at 6 weeks and I feel as though I'm doing much better. I've spent a lot of time in the pool this week and it has been helping a great deal to get the joint looser. Moving my leg out to the side is much more comfortable...nowhere near great, but I can move it about a foot or so. That's a big improvement. I can now sneeze without cringing. Sleeping is still tough. On my stomach is fine, but sleeping on my non-op side is kinda sore still in the front of my hip. Laying on the operated side is slightly more comfortable. I feel like the muscle is taking a long time to heal this time. My initial exercise where I had to move my leg to the left 10 degrees and to the right 10 degrees feels like I haven't improved at all because I can't bring it back towards my right leg. So I'm not sure what's taking that muscle so long to get back into shape. I'm definitely moving around enough. Oh well...it obviously has something to do with all the cutting once they got into my hip so I can't complain too much.

I've felt soooo tired and exhausted this week. Been working about 4 hours a day at work and it has drained me. It's the most straight work I've done since surgery and boy is it making me tired. I'm really glad they are working with me and allowing me to work at a revised schedule at first. It's hard too because it's not like I can do anything at work besides desk stuff. I can't make anything in the lab or carry anything so it makes for a real long day.

Other than that...things are going really great. I wanted to start at the gym today and do the stationary bike but that never happened. It's difficult seeing myself drive all the way to the gym (out of the way from my house and work) just to get on the bike for 10 minutes...do some arms and leave. So maybe in a week or so.

That's about all

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011- Day 38

Gosh I am quote a slacker...so much for trying to update everyday like last PAO. But things have been getting better so I can't complain too much.

This weekend was spent in RI for some parties. We drove up Saturday and came back today so it wasn't too bad. Sleeping is still uncomfortable in general, I would like that to get better but we're not quite there yet. The muscle where my leg bends in the front is giving me a hard time this time around so we need to figure that out and get it back into shape.

Other than that, going well. I'm getting around on one crutch for the most part. I start back to work tomorrow on a revised schedule but will use both crutches just to be on the safe side for a little while. I will try to do half days this week and work my way up to full days over the next couple weeks. I tire SO easily still, that could be due to not getting a great nights sleep.

I want to try to do the gym tomorrow and/or the pool. I couldn't get that exercise last time so if I can do it for this recovery I hope to get stronger a LOT faster. I'm starting to put on some unwanted weight so I need to watch my intake and really try to work out. So that's basically all I have going on right now. Nothing great, nothing terrible. Just ready to be off the crutches and on with my life!!!!!!!! The joint is still pretty tight. I'm thinking it's the screws and the fact that Dr. M constructed a little more than the other one so I'm going to be more restricted in my movement....I hope it starts to loosen up...I'm trying!

Anyway, that's all for today. I'll update tomorrow after my first day back to work at 5 1/2 weeks!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011- Day 36

WELL...we have arrived at 5 weeks post op! I feel as though I'm where I should be. I have a bit more pain still than I did last time. Although Dr. Millis constructed more and there are 5 large screws so I am assuming that's the issue there. But overall I can't complain.

Sleeping is still pretty crappy. I wake up a lot throughout the night, every time I need to roll I wake up. Sleeping on my side isn't 100% pain free unfortunately, but I can still fall asleep like that for a while. Getting in and out of bed isn't a chore anymore, but lifting my leg by itself is still pretty difficult...that muscle is taking a while to come back.

Yesterday I went into the pool again. I walk a few laps with water up to my waist, then I hold onto a noodle and kick around, then I stand and hold onto the side and do my standing exercises. After that I just move my leg around to get it loosened up. Moving my leg forward and backward are pretty easy but lifting it out to the side is very sore and it stops quick. I think it may be the screws keeping me from moving too far that direction. But walking around with no aid in the pool feels so good!

Next week when I start work I'm also thinking about starting back at the gym to use the stationary bike. I can only start with 5-10 minutes at zero resistance just to get the joint moving around and then increase the time from there. I am allowed to also to upper body so that I don't go to the gym just for 10 minutes. So we'll see how I feel and go from there.

Today is rainy, so I won't be going in the pool which is a good thing because I need to rest up and I def don't need to get any sun today. When I sit in my chair I can flow my leg towards the other one and sit comfortably. I can pull my leg up and sit with my knees bent. Basically, the muscle in the front of my hip is the only one causing some issue, as well as the muscle that's in my inner thigh/groin area...it doesn't seem to be there at all. So I'm keeping my eye on that and helping to get that back.

I've been putting Mederma on my right incision...so we'll see if it was worth the money to see if it decreases the scar at all. I've also put a lot of sunblock on both incisions otherwise it can easily get sunburned and turn purple and we don't need that. I took some pictures of my scars, they aren't great pics but better than nothing. RPAO is done, screw removal and all, LPAO is 5 weeks post.

Here's a picture of my RPAO at 4 weeks for comparison. I only had pictures of 4 weeks and 6 weeks.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011- Day 33

WOW...I've slacked the last few days on here, sorry 'bout that!

So, I've hit 4 weeks since last time I posted. I did some errands at home in the rain and it was miserable. Nothing is worse than walking in the rain with crutches and having no choice but to get all wet since you don't have enough hands to old the umbrella! Plus the fact that the shopping cart is a piece of crap and pulls to one side!

Anyway, I've been doing great...no complaints. Yesterday my Mom and I drove back to CT since today was my post-op appointment. As I was sitting in my recliner I realized that I was able to lift my leg by myself! So the exercise where someone helps lift my leg up to a 90 degree angle, I can pick it up basically all by myself! I couldn't believe it. I haven't kept on top of my exercises, but walking 3 flights of stairs in my house all day long REALLY helped strengthen that quad muscle and whatever other muscle is in there so I was amazed that this was so strong.

SO....today was my post-op appointment!! We left first thing this morning for a 10:30am appointment. We got to Boston about 9:45am so we had plenty of time to spare. I went up and checked-in, then got sent down to X-ray....while there we saw Millis because he was holding a leg for an x-ray, he didn't need to stay for me since I'm post. But his first question "are you eating" I'm like uhhh...believe me I am eating plenty! He said "you need to eat so those bones grow"...so that was interesting. So I did my x-rays, one laying on the table so it was of both hips and one standing up of my LPAO. After that we went back to the waiting room. I no sooner sat down and they called me in! We did height, weight and temperature (I've grown 1/2 inch and lost about 3 lbs) haha. Then went right into a room. We were there not even 5 minutes when Erin came in. She showed us the x-rays and I noticed I have 5 screws!! I thought I only had 4. But I have 5 large screws, but no little one like last time to hold the muscle, he sewed that. She showed me how the bone is healing great and the pain I feel in my butt is because the bone still has a ways to go before it's healed. Dr. Millis came in a couple minutes later. They didn't do range of motion this time, but Erin did ask me to walk with 1 crutch and I confessed I had been a little bit. Then she asked me to walk with NONE! I looked at her like she had ten heads! I couldn't really do it because it hurt so she said I can use 1 crutch small distances around the house and stuff. Doc says I'm looking great and said "you're what, 5 or 6 weeks post" I said uhhh, I'm about 4 1/2 weeks! So I'm doing well and so happy to hear that!

After meeting with them I met with Jaime to get new exercises, AND today was her last day at the hospital. That's a huge bummer. Thank goodness I got all this done while she was there because she was so great. So she did range of motion and some stretching to see how I was and because of the nerve pain I had a few weeks ago, she wanted to make sure it wasn't still irritated. She had me lay on my stomach and brought my foot to my butt. Typically, a person at post-op this time can usually bring their leg about 90degrees to their butt, my foot went completely to my butt and she was in shock! So that was super excellent. I'm not sure why the front of my leg is so stretched but I'm not complaining. She then gave me the following exercises (some same as last time):

1) Bridges - lay on back and bend knees. Squeeze a towel or pillow between my knees and lift my pelvis up for a count of 5, then lower. Do 2 sets of 5 a couple times a day. Increase as I get stronger.
2) Sit on a bed, left leg in front of me on the bed flat and right leg dangling off the side. This is a stretch for my hamstring, so I have to keep my knee as flat as possible, then as I get looser I can start to reach towards my foot. Do the same of the other side.
3) Same as last time, stand holding onto something and lift leg forward, to the side, and back 5 times each. I don't have to lift it high, it just has to be fluid and controlled. She then gave me the resistance band for when I got stronger. 2 sets of 5 each direction.

I'm also allowed to go into a pool and walk around in water up to my waist. I can use a noodle or kick board and kick carefully around. I can do exercise #3 holding onto the wall to get the hip joint lose. Also, I can use a stationary bike and a low resistance for 5-10 minutes to start and work up to 30 as I get stronger, but not to rush anything. I can massage my incisions too and break up the scar tissue to help the scar lay flat.

After my appointment, I had to schedule my next post-op for a month from now, so I made it for August 16 which is the day after a fellow hipster's second PAO! I'm so glad I was able to schedule the appointment so I can stop in and see her, even though it'll be day 1!! She'll do great.

We then went up to the 10th floor where my room was after surgery because we took the nurses a thank you card and some chocolates as a thank you for making my hospital stay(s) so pleasant. Luckily Megan, one of the nicest nurses, was there. Mom and I got lunch at Au Bon Pain and we headed home. Everything was right on time, but it was still a VERY long day.

A couple more updates...sleeping has been pretty good. I only have 1 pillow that I use between my legs when I lay on my side (I've been on my op and non-op side and both feel good). I roll over sometimes without waking up, but mostly I wake up to roll over. Unfortunately, I wake Kevin up every time I move. I can't sit indian style yet, but it's not terrible either. I'm maybe 50% there. Sitting in my recliner I can flop my legs both directions and get pretty comfortable. I can also sit and bring both legs up on the chair real close to me. I was reading my blog from last time and I'm definitely a step ahead, but that's also because I know what I can and can't do...so it makes recovery a little quicker.  I'm going to also attach a picture from shopping at home when I used the mobile cart. SO EMBARRASSING! But Dad thinks it's funny. 

When we got home I jumped right into the pool! I was SO amazing and made me feel so normal. The water was pretty warm too. I walked a lot of laps back and forth...kicked around a bit, and did some exercises. Walking without crutches was great! I plan on doing this a lot to get a lot of motion back quickly. I will post pictures of my incisions as they both look GREAT and here's a pic of me in the pool! 4 1/2 weeks, down to 1 crutch and in the pool. I thought the end was SO far away....but I think I see the light at the end. :-)