Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011 - Day 2

So I'm on Day 2...err, not including the day of surgery. I'm feeling pretty good overall, but quite sore. The most pain I feel is when I'm sitting and go to stand up, the incision feels like it's stretching and that's not a great feeling. I fell asleep on the couch last night around 8:30pm and went up to bed about 9. I took a percocet (which I still don't think is doing anything for me) and I slept amazing until about 8:45 this morning! I needed that after not sleeping so great the night before.

So I lounged around today and just rested my body. I took the foam tape off of my incision last night so now I have gauze and the clear tape stuff (see pictures below).  I can sit indian style almost perfect which makes me SO happy. It's amazing how the screws really hindered things...but at the same time I didn't really know they were in there besides when I felt them through my skin. So, I basically feel pretty good although I keep elbowing my hip and then I keep hitting it on the counter and stuff, so that really feels terrible. haha

Tomorrow night is my company Holiday Party, I usually dance my ass off, but this year I don't think there will be any of that...oh well. I haven't been using my crutches, I just walk hunched over until the pain eases a bit. I took a shower today and it felt good to get all the iodine and stuff off of me. I have to keep the clear tape and gauze on for 10 days...I don't look forward to taking it off because it hurts like a B**** so bad! ugh. Then the steri-stripes underneath I leave on until they fall off.

So here are a few pictures...the screws range from 3/4" to 5" (far right screw). The left 5 are from my LPAO (most recent) and the 5 on the right are from my RPAO. This is the story of me year! haha

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011 - Day 1 (again)

Well, you'll be happy to know I'M DONE!

Yesterday was my screw removal and I couldn't be happier. I was scheduled at Beth Israel Deacones right across the street from CHB and the surgery was still performed by Dr. Millis and Erin. My surgery was scheduled for 9:30am but I had to get there at 8am. Upon check-in, I was given a sensor (think the kind you get at a restaurant and it vibrates when your table is ready). It went off shortly after along with 4 other people. We all went up to the 3rd floor and got in our johnny's and prepared for surgery!  Erin came up to talk to me and sign my hip, then she asked if I was getting put out, or if I wanted to stay awake. I said if I can stay awake, I'd prefer it. During this conversation, I was being stabbed numerous times as they were trying to insert my IV! ouch. Dr. Millis came in to make sure I was ready to go and soon Erin came to wheel me into the operating room. I was wide awake as they hadn't given me my medicinal cocktail yet. They injected some loopy meds into my IV and I started to feel good. They turned the radio on and began the surgery.

I didn't feel any of the initial cuts and I kept talking to them asking what they were doing. I soon realized that Erin was doing the whole procedure because I could hear Millis telling her what to do. I was OK with it since it was only the screw removal. Once they located all of the screws, they started to loosen them all. This was not as painfree...I certainly felt what she was doing and would clench my hands to ease the feeling. It was not unbearable by any means, it was more like the feeling of a needle being put into my hip. I asked them to turn on a video monitor so I could watch, but they didn't have one. They backed all of the screws out about halfway and then left me sit up a little to see them! SO cool. haha They pulled the blue sheet down from in front of my face and a nurse held my head up for me, it was a cool thing to see for sure. Then they took the rest of the screws out completely while I made "ooh, ouch, eee" noises. haha. They closed me up, backed down my meds and I moved onto my clean bed and wheeled me to recovery. I forgot to mention, I had to pee SO bad halfway through the surgery, the nurse was leaning across my body and I told him I was going to pee on him if he didn't get off my bladder!

Once I got into recovery, they got me up in a matter of seconds and I walked off to the bathroom with crutches, full weight-bearing. My brother was waiting for me and they brought him in soon after. I had graham crackers and cranberry juice to snack on and then I was ready to go!! Kevin took the bus from New Haven to Boston Wednesday morning as he had class late Tuesday night (I had an MRI on my right hip Tuesday afternoon so I drove up myself). So Kevin and my brother walked across the street to get my car, then we walked to Bertucci's for lunch (couple blocks away!) I felt great and my hip/leg was still numb! I inhaled all of my lunch and then we walked back, got in the car and drove to where we were staying.

I made a reservation at the Yawkey Family Inn through CHB which is for families that have appointments or surgery at the hospital and live more than 50 miles away. The cost is $30/night and they thrive off of donations. However, you can only make a reservation of 4 nights or more in advance. The place was great, with a common kitchen, bathrooms and TV area. There are places for you to bring your own food as well as areas of common food for everyone. I booked the Inn from Tues-Sat, but since I was feeling alright, we left 2 days early and we were only charged for the 2 nights.

So...I'm finally on the road to recovery. I am quite sore today and had difficulty sleeping last night. I have percocet and they aren't really doing too much for the pain. A couple days and I'll be healed. I am using crutches (full weight bearing) just for comfort. Here are some pictures of my adventure this time around!