Well, I said I'd keep updating as often as I can and I really have been meaning to but things have been so hectic it's hard to take 5 minutes and compose my thoughts. I'm not saying they're going to be well thought out right now either...but it's something!
Since my last post I have been very active and I love it. The hike I went on was just a start to the new life I am giving myself. It gave me so much motivation to want to start going to the gym and everything. So, I have been going to gym on almost a daily basis and it is so amazing I can't even begin to tell you. After talking with a fellow co-worker that is kind of a gym-rat...I decided I would let him "train" me and help me get into shape and really start to build my strength up. I was a little nervous at first because here I am going from zero to having someone basically control my workout. It's been about 3 weeks and I wouldn't change a thing! He really has been great with helping me add more weight when something is too light for me and really working on the strength; mainly in my legs (left especially). He knows that "OW" doesn't necessarily mean "I'm giving up because this is too hard" but understands where I was only a few months ago and knows it's going to take baby steps. So, anyway, it's great. I am able to do 30+ (girl) pushups which is WAY more than I could ever do, I am doing squats, lunges, dips, pullups (on the machine that lifts me a bit) and just tons more things. Last night I was able to bench the bar..which is what like 40-45lbs...I've always had ZERO arm strength, my arms are basically bone with skin over. But I'm getting stronger every day and may even be able to add 5lbs next time and do 10reps! YEAH!
On top of the strength training, I've been running/jogging on the treadmill almost everyday anywhere from 10-20 minutes and then another 10 minutes or so on the stair master. I HATE the stair master, but I know that I am doing myself so much good by using it. I get off the treadmill and have no pain...I get home and sit on the couch...no pain, I wake up in the morning and have NO PAIN. It's absolutely amazing to feel so great after looking back at where I was just over a year ago. I dealt with so much pain for so many years, not being able to run from the door to my car without practically being in tears. Now I'm running for minutes on end and feeling like I want to do more! I have determination. I'm motivated...and it's not because I want my body to look good (which is a perk of course) but because I know I can do it and I have missed out on doing it...it's a mental thing and really showing myself and everyone that has been with me through it all that it worked, that Dr. Millis and Dr. McCallum are miracle workers...that my body is awesome, that I'm young...that I was inspired by so many other girls just like me, that I have been an inspiration to others. Like I have said from the beginning, if I can inspire even one person through all of this, that's all I want. I have been there...I've seen the worst of days, I've cried the tears of pain, the anguish not being able to do something because it would be painful. I've been there, I've seen it and I've lived it. I was watching the video today that Kevin took during my first PT experience when I was "learning to walk" again...every time I watch it, it brings tears to my eyes because I remember that experience as plain as day and it was not easy, it was not fun, but it had to be done to get me where I am right now.
So put that in your pipe and smoke it, hips!