This week I got back on track with my fitness, I really don't want to carry any unnecessary weight than the 20+lb of uterus and baby which I have no choice but to gain. I'm sure these hips will be perfectly fine, but if it's not needed, I don't want it! I have been going very light at the gym so I don't hurt anything - me or the baby. I know some women run right up until they deliver but for some reason, the idea of running and possibly scrambling my baby to a pulp just makes me a little uneasy. Plus, I'm no fitness freak and do not feel the need to run right now! That definitely can't be good for my hips.
Sunday started my routine all over again and I am going to really try for 3 days a week with 20-30 minutes of cardio and light weight training. That morning, I did 20 minutes on the treadmill around a 3.2-3.5 pace between a 0.5-1.5 incline. I didn't work up much of a sweat but felt my heart working more than normal. Since it was my first day back, I thought easing back into it would be the smarter move. After that, I did some squats, deadlifts and tricep kickbacks all with dumbbells.
Clearly, I only look pregnant from the side!
Last night I went to the gym again (yeah, go me!). I opted for the treadmill again for 20 minutes at 3.3-3.5 pace with 1.0-2.0 incline. I thought jumping into the elliptical was still a little too soon. I got a little more of a sweat going and then went over to free weights again with bent over one-arm rows, dead lifts and oblique dips.
I always end my workout with stretching - my hips and hamstrings are definitely super tight lately! I guess overall my hips are holding strong! After I did the squats, my hips felt a little sore and stiff but I only blame that on the fact I haven't really workout in a couple weeks so they have to get back into the swing of things. I feel good with how things are progressing, I'm officially 10 pounds heavier than I was 5 months ago which is something my pre-PAO body would not be able to cope with.
Hope this helps anyone looking into family planning and PAO fun.
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