Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011 -- Day 18

Oh hello little red light on my hair straightener, you haven't lit up for me in 20 days! <3 can you guess I took a shower today. I decided I wanted to do my hair and even a little makeup today because we're gonna go have lunch OUTSIDE of the condo. Finally.

I'm doing great with this blog, I REALLY want to try and update this every day while it's early in my recovery still.

The night went well, up a couple times to pee...but this is OK now because I can get in and out of bed by myself - YAY!

Not much else to reply...the one thing killing me is sneezing, I cannot commit to a true sneeze! All that comes out is a stupid little squeak. A couple days ago a sneeze came upon me so quickly I couldn't stop it and it scared me and it hurt! Omg, it hurt the numb patch below my belly button and it hurt my pelvis where everything was cut, I swear to god all my bones move when I sneeze. Not cool.

So, between that last paragraph and this one, Kevin and I had left to do some errands. We went to get lunch and boy was the booth hard on my butt! Note to self, bring pillow into restaurants every time. From there we went grocery shopping!! I did it all on crutches, I organized the list in the order we shop and also the coupons so we could be in and out FAIRLY quickly. It wasn't too bad, but while Kevin did the self checkout I, went out to his truck (YAY I can get in and out of it by myself's a Ford Ranger lifted real high with no running boards!). My left hip, aka non-op, was KILLING me. It was terrible pain before surgery with two hips and now it's hating me even more because it has to be my stability right now. was rough. But my new hip was fine. I wore my brand new sneakers and it felt like I was walking on AIR. So I felt real good about this trip. By the time we got home I had to pee so bad and Kevin never brought my toilet downstairs, he said "I thought you needed some exercise to I'll leave it upstairs from now on" boy, I sure am getting my workout today! But then again, I can get in and out of cars and bed so I guess it's all working!

While we were in the store Trail Blazer...they sell all the outdoors type of things...the guy asked me what happened..I said I had surgery on my hip, I'm like an 80 year old basically. But damnit, I need to start making up some awesome stories. I ALMOST blurted out something about skiing down some sweet moguls and falling, or doing a half pipe in Colorado. So from now on I'm going to make some awesome story up depending on who asks me. If an older person asks, I'll say I fell out of bed. If someone at work asks, I slipped on the floor and am collecting on it. HAHA I think it's way more interesting than being like "yeah had surgery on my hip" unless you go into detail, it's just not a cool story. Gotta have a little fun, don't I?

Well I'm EXHAUSTED so I'll leave it at that. We have cards tonight and I'm back in action, still in 1st place too I think. WOOOOO!

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