So this is a day late...but I wanted to make sure I updated each day.
It was my first day home alone while Kevin went off to work. I slept pretty well. Got up once in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and was able to manage myself in and out of bed. I eventually got up around 9am and came downstairs to get some breakfast and sat in my recliner to watch some TV.
I took a shower by myself which took a while but felt so good. However, I had a super headache for some reason. I came back to my recliner, ate my lunch and stayed here the rest of the day.
My nerve pain is really starting to bother me. It is SO painful I can't even deal with it. I emailed Jaime and no reply so I emailed Dr. Millis, we responded quickly...I wrote back and he ended up calling me right back. He was asking what the pain was like and trying to figure out if it was muscular or nerve. He said to take Valium and see how it feels. I said the Valium made me CRAZY and I stopped taking it in the hospital so he suggested trying half a pill. So he asked a couple other questions and tell him how I feel tomorrow.
My mom came to visit tonight and will stay until Thursday morning. So she will help grocery shop and get this place back to normal.
Also, last night I slept on my stomach for almost 2 hours...Millis said to be careful not to cross my legs and not to hurt myself. He asked how the side was, but I said that was still a bit painful so I can't do that.
Tomorrow I plan on posting pics of my "diaper"...that's the bandages. I call them my diaper cuz they are huge and white and sound like a diaper when I move. I will also post some pictures of my screws! They are SO big.
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