MAN...really not much to talk about today. Shortly after my post last night, we ate dinner and before going out for a walk all the rest of my steri-strips fell off. :-X hhaa Whatever, I ripped them off but I was reading the hospital paperwork and it said at 2 weeks I can take them off, so I did. The friggin' thing is HEALED. Stitch is sticking out the top and bottom but other than that it's looking good. Has kind of a fold at the top, idk how else to explain it...but the original scar also had a fold type idea going on. I'll be posting that below.
SO, I didn't take ANY meds last night (happy dance), but it made me crazy today...and crazy in a bad way. I was only taking the meds mostly to help relax me and get some good sleep. My pain is mostly gone so I didn't need it for pain relief. I wanted to see if I could sleep without the aids and of course I did. I woke up a little more often but that's to be expected. I woke up to pee once and got myself out of bed...I've been getting myself in bed too and it's basically pretty easy. Anyway, I woke up is such a foul mood today for no reason. I was upset and feeling depressed and I had a headache. I had NO idea why. I've been recouping so well that there's no reason I would be feeling this way...and after a good day yesterday it just seemed odd. So I am really linking it to the fact this is the first full day I haven't had ANY medication in me. I hope that's all it'll do to me and tomorrow is back to normal, but I can only hope.
I moped around all day, slept on the couch a few times and was really just blah! Kevin went and did errands and grocery shopping without me because I was totally not feeling it. I took a Motrin (even though I didn't want to) and seemed to feel a little better.
Exercises are getting better. I was doing some revised exercises, like the 90 degree one, on my Pilates ball tonight and that seemed to feel pretty good. I had to go upstairs for every pee trip which is annoying but worth it. I'm going up and down the stairs without putting both crutches under one arm, I am just using them both normally to go both up and down. I walk pretty normal. I stepped on my leg with a little too much weight today that that caught me off guard. Another big step, put my sock on today by myself!
This post has taken far too long to write because I'm watching a I'm going to get to that now.
Here is the note I found in my lunch the other day and my incisions! Enjoy.
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