Do you know how sick I feel because I just made lunches and have to start back at work tomorrow!?!?! Depressing much.
Big improvement on my exercises! I can do the side to side ones all by myself now. My muscular strength is improving A LOT day by day and even I can tell. I did my side to side movements and then Kevin came to help do the 90 degree ones which I'm not yet able to do myself, just need a SLIGHT amount of help and that's fine. But I may have overdid it because my butt muscle is hurting me. If that little pain would go away I would literally feel 100% and wonder why I need crutches. I was even able to get into Kevin's truck today by myself. Mind you, his truck is...hmm, probably almost up to my hip and he has no running boards! But I can get up in there and tuck myself in alone and that's awesome! Huge step in the strength department there. Also been getting in and out of bed alone without an issue.
I slept much better again last night and got up for good around 7:30...we lounged around, I got my Cheerios again and then sat outside in the beautiful AC!! It's so nice to have fresh air. We started talking about food as I was reading my magazine and were dying for lunch already at 10am. We went off to the store to get a couple things for dinner and took a scenic drive. I was in and out of the truck and walked around the store no problem. Came home and started cooking again. Stood for a good hour in the kitchen hopping around prepping this and making that and boiling this... it's difficult and my left leg just gets tired, but I did it. We ate the most AMAZING lunch...posted pics below. Chorico Beef Burgers over Lemon Kale topped with Pico de Gallo...and a side of Orzo Salad. We mixed like three separate recipes and made this amazing meal. SO good. We like to have bun-less burgers because you can get so creative with them. After lunch I sat at the breakfast bar and made lunches for the next couple days and Kevin cleaned up, then I read him a recipe for Blueberry Pound Cake and he made that. Now that's cooking and we're both relaxing.
I feel good, I really do. Besides the butt issue, my numb thigh...and my knee hurting every so often..things are looking OK. All of the issues, besides the thigh, happened last time so it's normal. Just wish it wasn't there. Tongue is 100% back to normal...god what an awful feeling!! Go in for hip surgery and come out with a numb tongue. That was terrible and so glad it's gone, but can't believe it lasted over 3 weeks! Scar looks AMAZE-balls...can't wait to show you on Tuesday for my 4-week update. :-) Can't believe I still have another 4 weeks or so on these stupid things. HELL. But I'm getting through it. I've been contacted by a few girls lately asking about PAO's and that really takes my mind off of me and onto someone else in the same dreadful pain I was in only a few years ago. I have to be strong for them because they're scared. I get it...I was in the same boat. It was people like me (now) helping people like me (then). I've said it a million times, I just can't say enough about this surgery - maybe I should wait until I'm up and walking before I say that...
Another thing which I haven't touched on yet this recovery is my leg length. If you remember, my right leg ended up being a good 1/2" longer than the left which was putting some strain on my hip when I stood or walked or whatever and caused me to use a shoe insert in my left shoe to help even out my legs. I told Millis to not make my leg any longer, if anything please make it shorter! So, after a PAO the leg feels about 8 miles long and like it will never compare to the other. That's the stage I'm in now...and I'm not entirely sure why it does that. The joint is swollen maybe? idk. But my right leg feels few inches longer and I won't know the true size until I start walking on it with more weight.
Anyway, here's some food porn for you...Homemade Crab Cakes and the Burgers I mentioned. TO DIE for.
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