Let's see, what can I say for my 3 week update? Well I just came in from the pool. :-) I'm a bit sore today which is probably mostly from all the moving around I did in the pool yesterday and the issues getting in and out which woke up some muscles. But it feels so good to walk around in the pool like normal! And fight with the white trash that lives in this complex. I'm on the edge of the pool since I can't keep my things in a chair since I can't really get back and forth, so I sit on the edge. I was in the pool and the trash people come in and have the WHOLE pool and decide to throw a football right around me. Ok, fine. No big deal. Now the start wrestling almost on top of me..two adults and two kids. Now the water is splashing up the side of the pool on my stuff! I couldn't take it and said (nicely) can you please splash somewhere else? The mother: "sorry we're move, but you know you're in a pool"...seriously? I had to bite my tongue. I said, yes but I also have crutches and can't go far. WHAT! Just because I'm in a pool doesn't mean I want to be splashed! They'll argue with ANYTHING you say. Since I'm a good person and Kevin was on the e-board a few years back clearly I'm a bad guy too. They are such trash it makes me sick. Then another batch of crap came out and immediately start badmouthing other people in the complex and drop f-bombs in front of all their small kids. I got out of there, I don't need that...esp after having the pool to MYSELF most of the afternoon. It was so nice.
So, my time at the pool, for the most part, was nice. I got my exercises in and my tan on. Now sitting in my recliner. 3 more business days and I'm back at work. DRAGGGG! I got my "back to work" doctor's note...I didn't know I can't life more than 5lbs! Holy moly. Glad I know that now. Anyway, it's a revised schedule as I see fit for the next two months. It won't be bad, I'll just get tired and uncomfortable mostly.
I guess it should talk about my hip. It feels good. I really can't complain. The hip is good, unless I reach to my right side and my weight is on that side it hurts. But the discomfort mostly lies with my muscles trying to get strong again. My exercises are going well...I'm strong when Kevin holds my leg to do the 90 degree bends but if he doesn't help I can't lift my leg off the chair even a centimeter. I am getting stronger, but that's a long, long road. My left is still very week from my surgery 2 years ago. Muscles just aren't connected back where they should be so I have lost a lot of strength. I just want to be off crutches, they are so annoying. But I have many, many more days until that can occur (somewhere around day 60). boooo
OH, forgot to mention yesterday I had a call from Dr. Chacko, she was my Anesthesiologist for my PAO (and both of the other ones)...love her. She calls and goes "just wanted to see how your tongue was doing"...lol I find that so funny. I'm like oh god, that's so weird...yeah it's getting better. She always thinks of me when she works with Millis and wanted to check in. So, yeah..my tongue isn't 100% yet, but we're around 95% better...the right side tip is weird feeling but the rest is almost better. Can you believe it, 3 weeks for nerve issues to come back to my tongue. She still thinks it was just how the breathing tube was positioned for so long...my tongue must have been between my teeth and the tube and it really affected the nerves in there. No biggie.
I didn't get a pool pic today...so I'll leave you with some new ones you haven't seen! OH..I need a 3-week incision pic too. KEVINNNNNnn.....
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