The plans this weekend were to meet my Mom in Danbury to shop and eat then continue home to NY for the weekend since Kevin is brewing at our place. So, I pack my things up and leave work for the traffic-filled hour drive. I stopped to get gas, get out of the car and just hop over to the pump, no big deal. Just get back in my car and I have a call from my boss! "Did you forget something?" Me, pause, uhhh "something very important" me-uhh got my wallet, got my phone, nope. "So I guess you haven't gotten out of your car yet". Well, I just got gas - oh crap. Where are my crutches!!
Yup, that was the start to a long night. I was halfway to Danbury, 30 minutes out or so. I turned back around and my boss met me halfway back. This delayed made me an hour later than I should have been. Here's how it went down.
I leaned my crutches against my car while I changed out of my sneakers and into sandals. After that, swung my legs around, closed my so and drove away without turning back. And there my poor little peg legs lay, in my work parking lot until someone found them! I have NEVER done something like that and to not even notice them missing when I got out of my car! I debated just using Mom's at home but probably too short. I debated using a wheelchair at the mall. I debated going without them all weekend. All answers led to turning back around and make my boss's night more chaotic than it should have been. Oh well. I keep things interesting. Then I almost locked my keys in my car and then spilled red sauce on my white top. Yup. Bad night. Got home after 11 and bed after 1!
Today, Mom and I did a few errands. Nothing too interesting to report. Leg feels good walking the mall last night as well as grocery store and BJs today. No complaints here. :-)
Here's a text from a fellow pre-PAO hipster that really made my day, such a thoughtful thing to say. I'll leave you with that. (We call my incision a shark bite to make it sound cooler)
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