To begin with, I am almost 11 weeks post. I guess at this point there's really no sense in counting weeks because I'm basically back to normal. And I use the term "basically back to normal" lightly. Last Thursday was my 4-week checkup from my original followup. This time around, I decided to park at CHB Wednesday night, take a taxi from the hospital over to my brothers, and then in the morning take a taxi back to the hospital. It worked out amazingly well. Since he lives on Beacon Hill, it would have been difficult to go park the car and hike literally up a mountain on crutches.
My appointment was 9am, best decision I ever made!! Usually I go for 10am and they are already behind at that hour. An hour earlier, the waiting room was completely empty. I went right down to X-ray, easy. I did one laying down and one standing up and the girl asks "do you know if there's any metal on your hip?". Seriously. What kind of question is that? I'm not a 4 years old that has no idea what's going on! I'm like uh, yes, I have screws. Do you not see the scar? Clearly she hasn't been around PAO'd patients very much. ANYWAY, got the pics and went back to the waiting room to wait for them to accept the images and in the meantime, Dr. Millis was harassing the girls at the desk and then he saw me come out. First question "where is your other crutch!". Oops. Uhh, "It broke, I don't know what happened but I had to throw it away". haha My xrays were good and he walked back to the waiting room with me. I sat for maybe 5 minutes and got called in for height, weight and temp. Lets see, this time I was around 132lb and 5'8.75" I'm going to be a different height and weight each time I go I feel like. Met his new PA and she checked out my xrays and did my ROM and had me walk without a crutch - which was clearly fine...she said it all looked good and Doc would be in soon.
I sat for quite some time, but soon the man came in and checked my strength and what not which is fine, then looked at my Xray. Here's where the crappy part comes in...I'm still not healing. :-( My stress fracture is looking better, but the other cuts are just not healing!! My loose tendons, the trauma already associated with my pelvis in that area, it's all contributing to the bone just taking forever. I have to keep using my crutch(es) and keeping weight off it so the bones grow properly. He doesn't want to go in there to add a plate or bone graft and I'm not using a bone stimulator. He also told me to keep taking my vitamin, drink Ensure and take a low dose aspirin. Also, to gain weight. Millis said "you know, I wouldn't mind if you gained some weight."...well gee, I'm glad YOU don't mind. But that's not happening. I guess maybe he thinks I'm not eating properly to feed my bones or something. Clearly my caloric intake is fine. But I am upping my daily dose of...
It tastes less than fabulous. But I am doing everything he told me. I think the aspirin is to help blood get to the bone breaks to help it grow. I was thinking about making an appointment to donate blood, but I decided not to until I'm on a better healing track. Then we discussed babies and he told me that I'm next...I told him it's not my fault! If he would stop hacking up my pelvis maybe we can move along...unless he wants to cut up my left hip again. He told me I was done this time. So I made him tell me I was his favorite patient. :-) Anyway, back in 4 weeks and keep on the crutch. I am now a week and a half since then and I have been good. Ensure, vitamins, aspirin, crutch. Every. Day.
Moving along. I booked it back from Boston in 2 hours, stopped in a work for a little over an hour to do some work, came home, packed, waited for Kevin to get home from work and jumped in the car to begin the 4 hour drive to NJ for the long weekend. Without going into TOO much detail and make this post mega long, we had a FABULOUS weekend in Ocean City with my parents and their friends. Walked the Boardwalk (on two crutches, just to be on the safe side)...
We rode bikes and hit the beach...
At night we went to Atlantic City...more shopping than gambling...
Since this PAO kind of ruined vacation plans, this was kind of our vaca. It was MUCH needed and absolutely so relaxing. We didn't have to do any planning, or thinking. Just kinda lounged around and ate. I felt usual. The bike ride was about 30-45 minutes and all flat, which was nice. I was afraid I'd be sore the next day from using muscles I don't normally use...or at least haven't in a while, but I never felt sore.
We had a great time. It's sad that the summer is over and I feel like I didn't get to do much. There's always next year. :-( But we had a good time on Labor Day.
Since I didn't post last week, I have two weeks in scars to show. It's still pretty red...gotta look back and see how it compares to the other ones. The front of the hip, where the tissue is and stuff is really tight and sends shooting pains here and there which is to be expected. I try to massage the area a bit. My indian style is basically 100%. I pulled my leg up to paint my toenails today and the joint is pretty tight. I can bring it close to me, but if I try to lean forward is where it stops me. But there's not really anything I can't do.
Next check up, Sept 26 and scheduled my screw removal for Dec 13. :-) We have a wedding next weekend that I hoped to be off crutches for...but that ain't happening. Hopefully by the end of 3 months I'll be good to go and get my flabby self back to the GYM!
9 and 10 weeks incisions.
I really wanted to say you are such an inspiration! I have been following your blog since early Oct when i had my PAO! On my days where i felt as if i was behind or just feeling low because of the surgery i would read your blog and it was always a great pick me up!!! Thank you!!!