Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

There will be no more "day" counting as we're now into the weeks/months. Tomorrow marks 16 weeks since my PAO and that seems like forever ago! I'm so glad that it's behind me and I'm pretty much back to normal with only a hardware removal ahead of me.

To kind of recap the last few weeks since my last post, we've been busy! Kevin has started classes back up and I've been frequenting the gym about 2-3 times a week. I want to get back into it SO badly but I am going slow because I know my hip is healing slower this time and I certainly don't want to hurt something. Tomorrow I'll be posting some information on my workouts along with pictures - I figure that's a pretty good, official 16 week post (I hope I remember to post tomorrow...).

I'm back to normal activities, been back to normal work hours for weeks. I'm working out for about an hour 3 times a week and it feels amazing. I can feel my clothes fitting better already. Trying to get back into the cooking and shopping thing and "clean eating"..trying to stay away from fake, processed foods and rely more on the natural ones. Protein shakes for breakfast a few times a week, egg whites, cottage cheese and (5) almonds. I'm rambling now...

This weekend was spent with the family in Utica, NY...yes, that is officially considered upstate you all you non-NY folk. It's in the middle of the state and centrally located. My Dad was inducted into the NYS ASA (amateur softball association) Hall of Fame which was held Saturday night. We were all in tow as we would definitely not miss something like this! It was a great honor and a really fun weekend to all be together. The afternoon started with a visit to Saranac (Utica Club) Brewery followed by the event in the evening. The 5 hour drive there and the 4+ hour drive home was well worth being able to take part in the event and support Dad! Before kids, my Mom lived at the field and when my Brother and I came along we were raised there - it's in the blood.

My hip has been holding up great. I do get bummed out here and there as it doesn't necessarily feel 100%. I can't get a full stride in and I can feel myself cutting the stride short which results in a sort of limp. The socket is tight so I'm working on loosening that up and once the screws come out, I know that will help a little as well. The difference in length doesn't help the slight limp either, but I am wearing (two) inserts in my left shoe to help even that out. I wore pretty high heels on Saturday and it felt fine. I'm a little sore from the fact that I haven't had to use certain muscles yet to walk in shoes like that, but no big deal. My hamstrings, more on the inner/under part of my leg are extremely tight and almost feel like they could rip away from my body instead of stretching. So that's something I really try to focus on at the gym when I stretch. Other than that, I think we're doing well. Haven't run yet...try to run to the car or up the stairs and it feels fine, but I won't try running until after the first of the year I think. Gotta make sure we're nice and healed before I do that.

Here is our weekend in pictures! Enjoy.

Hall of Fame ring

Saranac Brewery


My Dad. The Hall of Famer

Kevin and my Brothet being drunken fools

The family. 

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