Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Eve

As we all get ready to indulge in some delicious Turkey, lets remember those hips.

Yeah, that doesn't make much sense...which is why I need a new blog so I can write about random stuff and not have it always be hip related...and until that happens, you will see drips and drabs of it here!

I wanted to share my newest purchase, a small Thanksgiving decoration which I got from ETSY. 

Gobble 'Til You Wobble canvas print by Megan at DolceAve, giving credit where credit's due! I have a cute Christmas one too which will be arriving shortly. Follow her blog here at, hellonewlywedlife. I stumbled onto her blog via another one that I follow and find it a fun distraction to my day.

~Happy Thanksgiving everyone~

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Just another's really just a gym post to be completely honest. 

Just ran to get a workout in last night so I felt accomplished and it was the best one yet. I really wanted to push myself and get some cardio in!

---pause, yeah I started this entry and then took a day off---

It's now Friday! Sorry. 

Anyway, my quads are screaming at me from my working Tuesday and I loves it! It's such a great feeling, a good muscle pain if you will. I'm not exactly sure where I was going with this entry when I started yesterday so I'll just GO.

I think I just wanted to tell my routine and how well my hip(s) is/are holding up. So I started with some quick cardio to get the blood moving and the sweat flowing. I feel like if I'm not sweating, then I'm not doing anything and that's totally bummer. I jumped on the elliptical for 10 minute, level 5, 20-25 resistance and got my sweat on for sure. My quads were burning pretty serious and my glutes which is what I was going for. From here, I did a 1 minute cool down and jumped over to the open area to do some leggies. For this routine (done standing next to the railing for added support - since the hippies are still suuuuper weak)... I started with walking lunges, alternating sides. I went the length of the railing which was just under 10 lunges, when I got to the end I went right into 10 squats - feet shoulder width apart. Turn around and lunge back to the starting spot and do 10 sumo (wide stance) squats. This all counts as 1 set. Now do it three times. YIKES. I did need to use the railing, mostly for guidance but also for my right hip since it is super weak still. But it felt really good.

Moving on, I did some quick planks (normal and side), stretched and headed home. Let me tell you, I couldn't walk down the stairs in the gym without feeling like I had spaghetti legs! Great feeling. So that was Wednesday night and here I am Friday even more sore. But day 2 is always the worst.

I can say that stretching out my hip makes it feel so much better. Usually like a lunge type stretch (op-leg back) feels good as well as the quad stretch (standing and pulling your ankle up toward your butt)...feels so good to stretch out that hippie. 

Couple more short weeks away and the screws will be no more. What am I going to do with all these screws? I want to do something creative to like "show them off"..any ideas? Tell me in the comments. 

Gonna hit the gym tomorrow for arms and abs and then rest until Monday. I think right now, 3 days is enough for me. I just want to run.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Just wanted to give a little update on my body and life - I know I go sometimes weeks and months without posting and I don't want that to I'm going to try and post more often, so sorry if these get kind of boring. I need someplace to blog before my NEW blog opens up. Still needing a name for it though...

I'm totally getting back in gear this week. I was ready to work out yesterday, then I changed (at work) and reeeally lost interest to go to the gym. Plus, Kevin got home early and all I wanted to do was go home and chill. I didn't. I figured even if I do 30 minutes of something I'll be so much better. So I did. I did 30 minutes of cardio - pushed myself. Elliptical: 10 minutes of a basic warm up (steady walking speed on a treadmill), then 10 minutes of a fast pace (like a jog), then 10 minutes of a super incline with a 2 minute cool down. I was pretty sweaty after this. Then, I quickly moved to some bicycle crunches, some planks, side planks and toe touches. It was just under an hour and just enough to feel like I didn't let myself down and got a good workout in. I can't go tonight since I have to take my kitten to the vet for a checkup - so at least I started the week out strong. Monday's are the toughest!

In hip news. Kevin went to the store last night and got me my Tums. They are actually quite delicious! After dinner I took two Tums and my Vitamin. Maybe my bone will finish healing NOW! I've tried just about everything except the bone stimulator which at this point I don't think is necessary. It's feeling pretty good. Sometimes I feel some aches and pains and things like that, but until my screws come out (in one month) I really can't determine if it's the hip, the screws or just the scar tissue wreaking havoc. Which brings me to my next point, last week my hip bone, where the screws are, was SO sensitive to the touch. It was really sore on my pants/belt area and even to the touch it was really painful. It's not really doing that lately so I'm not sure what that was all about - pretty sure it was the screws.

Anyway...that's about all I have going on. Can't wait for 2014 to be here and officially have this stupid hip stuff behind US!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I hope you've all noticed the changes I've made to my blog! I'm still new at this...but wanted to make it more appealing than that god awful beige that was lingering!

Not too much has changed since I last posted. The topics for the 30 in 30 really aren't meshing with my particular health blog, but that's OK. Last year, WEGO Health gave a main topic as well as a backup - so it was much easier to find something to blog about between the two options. Not this time around.

Hips have been progressing at the same pace. I keep trying to stretch out the front of my right, walking slower to get that stride back. At the gym the other day I used the elliptical for a nice brisk warmup then hit the treadmill for an inclined speed walk to get the joint moving. I didn't do anything strenuous.

I'm having kind of a blah day today, so sorry if this post lacks the excitement that it usually does. I think I need an overall change in life. Anyway... onto some big news.

I'm going to be launching a NEW blog! Yep, you read that right. A new blog my friends. NOT hip related. God, no more hip problems PLEASE! I will still have this blog, and post on it as frequently as I can remember and give some changes and what not, but I will have a completely different blog entering all of your lives very shortly - once we can come up with a good name!! It will be the home for all sorts of things about ME and MY LIFE! I'll be sharing some Home Decor, My Style, Cooking - tips and menus, Fitness, Workouts...basically everything that makes me, me...and gets us through the day. I don't want to focus on just one thing because that's not me. I have multiple interests and want to share them!

So I hope you'll all come along with me on my NEW journey and get these hips out of our minds and focus on girly things for once. Because, let's face it, my pelvis at the top of my page is really not appealing to anyone!

Have a name for my new blog? Share it with me!

I'm ALSO opening an ETSY shop with made to order Scrapbooks and Diaper Cakes. Exciting things happening in the household! Thanks for the support and please, send me those ideas!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

WEGO Health 30 in 30 - Day 7

So I definitely am picking and choosing which topics to write about since not all fit my "disease". Today's topic is not health related we go!

What's in your purse/bag/backpack everyday - and why?

This is going to be a two part post since I jump back and forth between bags so frequently. Currently, I'm sporting my tiny cross body purse that I used during my (three) previous surgeries while on crutches. I was able to carry just what I needed and my hands were free. It was also a little gift from my Momma post-op. :-)

  • I don't leave home without my Nivea Lip Care which can be found in my stocking every Christmas!
  • Gum. Gum. And always, GUM. We keep gum everywhere from our cars to our desks. Here's a neat idea for Car Gum, always have some handy!
  • Headphones. These little guys are used for hands free when I'm driving or working hard.
  • iPod Nano, in Yellow because that was my color of choice last year when the Hubs bought it for me. I keep this with me all the time because I never know when I may hit the gym, plug it into my car stereo or jam while grocery shopping. Naturally, it needs its OWN set of earbuds too.
  • Money. I usually always carry money on me - I think it's better to control spending as opposed to pulling out the old debit card all the time. I actually have more on me than normal.
  • Coupons. I don't typically carry these around with me, but got a few last night from the store and they're "off my next order" type of thing, so I'll be using them fo' sho'.
  • Cards and Cards. Since I am using such a small purse, I am only carrying the necessities. 
          *Kohls Credit Card - the ONLY store credit card I have.
          *Stop & Shop Card - no need for description
          *Patriots Debit Card - for our joint account paying for food, gas, restaurants...etc
        *Breast Cancer Debit Card - for my personal account for personal shopping adventures when cash just isn't enough!
          *My license. Hello. Need that for when I get carded. 

I guess I can fit a lot in this little bag! Maybe I won't even attempt my other purse. But here are the other necessities for days other than work.
A - Tissues. Husbands are closely related to children (so I've heard)...and he's always needing a dang tissue.
B - Snacks or drinks. See above! He always needs a treat or is thirsty, so on longer trips my purse can be the home of a granola bar, almonds and a water.
C - Eucerin, another MUST HAVE and always in my stocking. Unscented and not greasy. Good for men too. These help me survive the winter months.
D - There's other goodies like pens, floss, coupons, tampons, chapsticks (multiple ones), hair clips, glasses, sunglasses...etc. But these are MY must haves. What are yours?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 4.5 Months

Well here I am..19 weeks post op which is just around 4.5 months. I wish my summer hadn't been wasted by yet another surgery. Here we are looking the Winter in the eye and that's awfully depressing. But this post is everything but depressing - got all good things to report since my last post which was what...about 3+ weeks ago. Sorry about that.

Yesterday was another followup appointment. I will say, this PAO has caused a lot more trips to Boston which I'm not overly fond of - my car would have about 5,000 more miles on it if it wasn't for my stupid hips. Let me back up a bit...

Since my last update, life has been going along as normal as ever really. Kevin has class 4-nights a week and I have been (trying) to go to the gym at least three times a week which has been difficult to get myself back on track. When I go, I kick butt....but then I take a week off and it all goes downhill. That and the fact I can't run yet which is also getting on my last nerve. Disclaimer - I ran last week for 1 minute just to feel things out. Worst. It felt horrible. Not painful, just awful. I have this clicking thing going on and with every step I took, I felt something rubbing over something else. UGH. I don't know why I even tried it. Oh...yeah...I do, BECAUSE I WANT TO RUN! And I have no patience.

Fellow hipster came and stayed with us a few weeks ago! Taylor had found my blog a while back and had made an appointment to see Millis (but the waiting list was pretty far out). She is from WV and to save a little on hotel stays, I offered for her and her Dad to stay with us for the night. We're about 2 1/2 hours from Boston and right on their way. It worked out nicely for them and it was so great to meet another girl in the same situation. Unfortunately, he appointment didn't go so swell. He suggested having a shot in the SI Joint first and see if that alleviates some of the pain, PAO is possible but wants to rule out other things not so major. So that was a fun evening!

Now, onto yesterday. As always, Kevin and I drove up Monday evening after dinner to miss rush hour traffic. We parked at CHB and took a taxi to my brothers apartment where we spent the night. The next morning, got a cab back to the hospital and started my adventure. I like to get paperwork and X-rays done before my appointment time to hopefully cut in front of other patients that don't know what they're doing yet. Mean. Crude...I don't care. haha We got there about 8:30am and I ran up to check up, down to X-ray and then back to the waiting room. I had the first appointment, 9am, so the wait time is usually minimal. As I was handing back in my Xray paperwork, Millis came from behind the wall and said "DANIELLE! Come on, get over here let's look at you" guess my appointment was starting! Usually, the girl calls your name, does height, weight, temp...etc then brings you into the exam room. Not today. Millis ran the appointment and did things HIS way - typical. Must be why I love that man. He held my coffee and my sneakers as I jumped on the scale (the assistant was in tow getting my file). He asked me how things were going on social media as he knows I'm his biggest advocate. Told him of some crazy people and who to steer clear of - he appreciated that! haha

Into the exam room we go and he pulls up the X-rays I just had done. Backwards again - usually his PA comes in and asks preliminary questions, does ROM and angles and then Millis comes in shortly after. Well, halfway through the appt the PA came in...looked at my X-rays and asked me all those preliminary questions AFTERward. It was cracking me up but so glad to get in so quickly.

HIP NEWS. So...hip is healing better. The major cut is pretty sturdy and basically all healed but there is another small cut/crack which just doesn't seem to want to heal fully. He's not concerned and says screws can come out. He's also still hounding me to take calcium - this time he suggested Tums - gross, but it has basically the dose of calcium women need. Sounds delightful. I asked him about the clicking I've been having and him and the PA think it's mostly scar tissue and the screws causing that. It's not painful, which usually signals it's not a big deal. I assumed, but always nice to hear from the big guys. Next, I asked about my stride. I have a long stride but it's being cut short on my right leg causing me to walk funny and have a limp. SO...I wanted to know if it was linked to the screws or if it's because he covered the femur so much that the socket is now restricting my movement. He said that it's most likely the screws as well as the non-healed area causing my stride to be shorter than normal but we will know for sure after those suckers are removed.

My screw removal is December 20th and I told him it was scheduled months ago...he laughed. I don't wait around and wanted to get in before the end of the year for my deductible. AND, I don't need a pre-op. SCORE!

So, I was pretty happy with my appointment. I asked if I can start running now (kind of joking) and he was not amused. :-)  Now, he has become my personal pregnancy advocate. GEEZ! Can I have a full year with no hip surgeries before you push babies on me! I asked if he wanted to cut up my left hip again...that won't be necessary. Funny thing, there are areas in my left that aren't completely healed either. It's crazy how bones and bodies work!! My left hip feels absolutely AMAZING (besides going numb in my sleep)...and to think there are areas of non-union...and I had run on it.

I hope this is a good enough update for everything. I will post some incision pictures soon. It's looking lovely...but going to be cut into yet AGAIN in about 6 weeks so what's the rush?

I also plan on taking part of the 30 in 30 - 30 posts in 30 days in November like I did last year. Some topics refer more to "diseases" as opposed to this, so it won't be a daily post if I don't think it pertains to me. But hopefully get some good topics in since you're all really sick of hearing about my hips by now, :-)