Thursday, November 7, 2013

WEGO Health 30 in 30 - Day 7

So I definitely am picking and choosing which topics to write about since not all fit my "disease". Today's topic is not health related we go!

What's in your purse/bag/backpack everyday - and why?

This is going to be a two part post since I jump back and forth between bags so frequently. Currently, I'm sporting my tiny cross body purse that I used during my (three) previous surgeries while on crutches. I was able to carry just what I needed and my hands were free. It was also a little gift from my Momma post-op. :-)

  • I don't leave home without my Nivea Lip Care which can be found in my stocking every Christmas!
  • Gum. Gum. And always, GUM. We keep gum everywhere from our cars to our desks. Here's a neat idea for Car Gum, always have some handy!
  • Headphones. These little guys are used for hands free when I'm driving or working hard.
  • iPod Nano, in Yellow because that was my color of choice last year when the Hubs bought it for me. I keep this with me all the time because I never know when I may hit the gym, plug it into my car stereo or jam while grocery shopping. Naturally, it needs its OWN set of earbuds too.
  • Money. I usually always carry money on me - I think it's better to control spending as opposed to pulling out the old debit card all the time. I actually have more on me than normal.
  • Coupons. I don't typically carry these around with me, but got a few last night from the store and they're "off my next order" type of thing, so I'll be using them fo' sho'.
  • Cards and Cards. Since I am using such a small purse, I am only carrying the necessities. 
          *Kohls Credit Card - the ONLY store credit card I have.
          *Stop & Shop Card - no need for description
          *Patriots Debit Card - for our joint account paying for food, gas, restaurants...etc
        *Breast Cancer Debit Card - for my personal account for personal shopping adventures when cash just isn't enough!
          *My license. Hello. Need that for when I get carded. 

I guess I can fit a lot in this little bag! Maybe I won't even attempt my other purse. But here are the other necessities for days other than work.
A - Tissues. Husbands are closely related to children (so I've heard)...and he's always needing a dang tissue.
B - Snacks or drinks. See above! He always needs a treat or is thirsty, so on longer trips my purse can be the home of a granola bar, almonds and a water.
C - Eucerin, another MUST HAVE and always in my stocking. Unscented and not greasy. Good for men too. These help me survive the winter months.
D - There's other goodies like pens, floss, coupons, tampons, chapsticks (multiple ones), hair clips, glasses, sunglasses...etc. But these are MY must haves. What are yours?

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