Yeah...I pretty much suck at the whole updating thing after the 6 month mark and I do apologize! However, that also means GOOD things. That life has taken the best of me and the hips are coming along for the journey without causing too much issue.
I guess I've been doing a lot since I last posted. I was kind of at the end of the screw removal recovery at that point and healing from that. I am fully healed and the scar is looking fine - will post pictures later when I get home and have some assistance. I also decided it was time to kick start my fitness again and get back into the gym! I went hard for about 2-3 weeks and the weather stopped me dead in my tracks and I lost motivation! Picked it up again and lost it again. The cold weather just makes me want to go home and jump in my sweats and not leave the couch. However, this week started some serious fitness training and I'm getting my 'rear in gear' for good! Bathing suit season is totally upon us now.
I feel completely healed at this point so any weird feelings are things I am just going to have to deal with. Monday started my 30-day Brazil Butt Lift Challenge. I want to stay motivated and get into shape. This workout has been great (but tiring) as the butt and hip are so closely related. Some of the exercises are difficult and some I cannot attempt at all because I simply do not have the muscle. I am getting up early before work to my my routine and trying to go to the gym at night to do abs, arms or cardio. It has been kicking my butt for sure. But my hips are feeling great. That's what this blog is really about! But I had to give some background to the program before I can talk about my hippies. I am sore beyond belief this week, but it's a good sore! The hips are good and getting stronger and hope to slim down a bit in the process.
Other than me being a complete fitness freak lately, things have been feeling great. Besides the length difference which I may never come to terms with completely, I do have some clicking/snapping/popping in my right leg since my PAO. Originally, I thought it was something hitting on the screws but it is still happening. It doesn't hurt when that happens, it's just loud and pretty annoying in general. Second weird thing, which I haven't felt before, is some (what I thought) was muscle pain above my hip bone, mostly in my love handle area. I kind of first noticed it after doing literally a DAY of walking around. The next day I woke up and that spot was SO sore. I figured it was because I hadn't really 'moved' that much since surgery so the muscles are waking up and realizing they're needed. However, that was three months ago and it still happens on a daily basis. It's clearly hip related but I'm not sure if it's just that the muscle needs a lot of work to get back to tiptop shape, or what's going on.
We are going to Boston next week and I scheduled my "final" MRI for Friday morning. Unfortunately, it's basically impossible to get in to see Dr. Millis Thursday or Friday so IDK what I'm going to do. Maybe get the MRI done so he has it and then figure out a time to see him in the near future. I just always like trying to see him the same time we're in the area. Not sure how all of that is going to workout just yet.
That's what's going on in my hip life. I have two hip-friends that are 7/7.5 weeks post first PAO and doing amazing! SO happy they turned the corner and are in the home stretch. I told you once the turn comes you'll be begging for the other hip to be done pronto, you forget all about the early recovery pains and you focus on pain free, healthy hips!
Scar pictures coming soon!
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