Brandon is now 14 months going on 3 years - the kid is growing before our eyes and turning into such a little man now. This past weekend we made a trip to Boston for our annual vacation/hip check. Brandon is now old enough to have X-rays but I was sure it would be impossible since he doesn't quite like to sit still (or understand what it even means). Thank goodness my Mom was with me so we could each hold him still to get a good picture. He did SO well with everything and I was glad. I got scans next and, of course, we get the technician that is horrible and doesn't understand what she's doing - even after being there for years!! Why? Why does that always happen to me?
Back to the waiting room we go and were called in shortly after. I always request the first appointment of the day so we don't get stuck waiting for hours! Dr. Millis walked us to our exam room and checked Brandon out first. He moved his legs all around and watched him walk and said everything looked fine. We then took a peek at his X-rays which were so tiny and cute. His hips obviously aren't developed yet but the angles all seem to be in line with proper growth and development to form normal hips. He doesn't need to be seen for a few years after things have settled.
It was my turn to jump on the exam table and get moved and prodded and pulled to check hip function. My ROM seems great, strength is fine (they always seem more impressed than I do when it comes to my strength), my hamstring flexibility is a lot to be desired - oops. My right hip pinches every so often (which also kind of prompted this appointment - along with an MRI) so Dr. M wanted to take a look and make sure everything was OK. He said I looked fine, walked fine, standing on one leg was fine (I reminded him that I do wear a 1/2" insert on my left foot for compensate for length). They took a look at my X-rays and MRI and said things looked fine and that my pain was most likely coming from a torn labrum - what else is new?? I think it's been torn for 11+ years when this whole hip journey started. Of course he suggested a scope which I am just against, or getting a cortisone shot to alleviate the pain and to also rule out labrum and be sure the hip itself isn't causing the pain - also not an option I feel strongly about. I plan on giving it time and seeing how things feel as the pain is not constant and is usually only when I am carrying/holding Brandon. He wants to keep in touch and let him know how pain progresses over time.
THEN - silly me decided to ass Millis if he could check Brandon out for an ear infection. I know he's NOT a Pediatrician but figured this was something pretty common. Wrong question to ask. He called nurses and assistants into the room to check Brandon's ears and after poking and prodding, he decided to send us to the clinic to get check out. The short of it, we couldn't get into the clinic so he sent us down to the ER (UGH) to get Brandon's ears checked. Since we were going to be away for a few days I didn't want it to get worse without meds...turns out he did NOT have an infection (which was great news) and we could be on our way!
Brandon man did SO well during this chaotic morning and fell asleep in the stroller just minutes before we were out the door. Good reports all around and now we just sit back, wait, and enjoy our lives!
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