Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Well this post is kind of LONG overdue as things have been really great as of lately. I have been really trying to get to the gym at least 3 days a week as I usually don't go Fri-Sunday...but the other days I get my butt there (except for this week as I needed a break!).

So this is mostly a post about my workout regimen and that I am feeling really good overall. A few weeks ago my right hip was causing me some problems and that brought me down but I know I'll never be 100% perfect, 100% of the time. It was giving me some pinching pain, like a muscle or nerve or tissue was getting pinched in the joint which I kind of felt before all of these surgeries. After a couple days it went away so maybe something was just inflamed or tweaked something. Anyway, all good now!

The days I go to the gym, I'm most likely running at least a mile, usually more. I do either 10 minutes at a faster pace, or 15-30 minutes at a slower pace. It has gotten to the point where I can get almost the full 10 minutes in without being too I guess I need to bump up that pace, YAY! My new goal is to run a 5k in the Spring...I don't have to be able to get some record times, but I want to be able to run the entire thing, I don't see it as a far fetched goal, so that's getting me pretty excited.

Other than that, the same things going on. It's amazing to me that I don't have to feel uncomfortable telling our friends we can't do something, or we need to find a closer parking spot because I don't walk that distance. I don't even second guess things anymore...I guess this just proves everyone around me that the pain was something really serious and not just me trying to get out of doing things because I was lazy. I'm game to do so many things now without having to second guess it!

I have a few pictures to at the gym and finally back into (almost) the shape I want to be and definitely in the best shape I've been in, in quite some time. Also some pictures of my scars which are looking AWESOME!

Followup in a couple weeks to get xrays and results from my mri, yippie!



  1. Hi danielle

    I have the condition of hip Dysplasia. I have had a liberal tear repaired and arthritis removed from my left hip. I'm waiting to have the same done to my right hip then it's time for POA surgery. Your blog has really inspired me. It's opened my eyes to a lot things about the surgery however it has put my mind at ease a little. I've really enjoyed reading your blog and just want to thank you for taking the time to write it. Good luck with the future :)
    Tasha xxx

  2. Hi Tasha,

    I am so glad you stumbled onto my blog. I read a couple others leading up to my PAO and it helped tremendously prepare me for what was to come as I had worst case scenario in my head. I also became very close with a girl I met on the Yahoo Hip forum and she was fresh into recovery so I asked many questions and ended up seeing her in the hospital the day before my PAO. My plan for this blog was to help at least one other person because, well, it is a traumatic experience. haha. But I am 2 years post RPAO and a year and a half post LPAO and I feel absolutely amazing. Aches and pains every so often, but that's to be expected.

    Where are you from? If you're on FaceBook, there is a Periacetabular Osteotomy page which you can be accepted into and it's a great support system!

    Also, my email is if you have any questions, need to rant/vent, or just chat. Only "us" that had gone through this can really understand the mental and physical issues that come with it.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.

