Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday, January, 12, 2014

Happy Anniversary to ME! I'm not sure if I should even really celebrate today being my 3 year Anniversary for my RPAO since it had to be redone. GAH, I hate saying re-done! But, I guess I do still count this because it needed to be done before I could get it fixed the rest of the way. we are.

I definitely want to do a "what to pack" post for newbies as well as a post on things I had at home that helped me and just general things I learned after having 3 surgeries. The will come soon.

To recap the last three years - Roller Coaster. Period. It has been ups and downs in every aspect of my being. I've been Happy, I've been Sad. I've been Excited, I've been Depressed. I've Felt Great, I've Felt Pain. I hit super highs, super lows and everything in between. No one said this was easy. No one told me what to expect. I wasn't on forums, or Facebook groups. I relied on TWO blogs and the real life recovery of one girl that was a few weeks post-op (with my doctor) at the time. I was ready for this. I had to be, my pain was causing me to be someone else, someone that had to say 'no' to plans because I knew it would hurt and no one would understand.

January 2012, one year post RPAO and 6 months post LPAO  - and a few weeks post screw removal. There I was, pain free, feeling great...couldn't have been happier. 2011 sucked, but it was only a year, boom, and done! 2012 was going great. Working out. Going on vacation. We were cruising right along until I slowly got some pain in my right hip. Maybe once, twice a month and only for a short while. This is normal, I thought. But I also remember my doctor asking me how my right hip felt at every appointment. "Fine," I replied. Now, I wasn't feeling so calm. 2013 came along and the pain was getting a little worse and lasting a little longer...and a little longer. Come April, I was close to pre-PAO discomfort and I wanted to die. I had an annual checkup with Millis and finally the answer to his common question "how does the right feel" was finally, "it hurts". He knew for me to talk about pain means it was bad. My level 3 pain is everyone else's level 9. I couldn't believe we were really tossing around the word PAO again...not even 2 1/2 years later and I'm in the same spot. But I didn't crumble. I wasn't happy, but I wasn't going to let this get the best of me...even though it was going to suck. I took this surgery on full force, head on. I had to. What choice did I have? I have been through it, I know how amazing the results are...unfortunately, I had horrible hips and they wanted me to know once and for all just how stubborn they were going to be. They won.

Here I am 3 years ago.

I am just shy of 7 months post op, and as some of you have been reading, about 3 weeks post screw removal. I'm not 100%. I never was and I never will be and I'm ok with that. I'm not in pain, or at least 99% pain free. I'm back at the gym, I'm walking around the mall and don't mind parking far away from things and having to walk. Yes, my muscles and hamstrings are like tight as steel. Yes, my thigh is still numb. Yes, my legs are different lengths. But who cares? I'm not in daily pain. Wasn't that the goal? No one can promise a body better than the one you were born with. But now I have a new outlook, a new quality of life.

I'm glad this happened to me. Yea, that's kind of sick to say but it's true. I can handle it. I didn't shy away from the news, the diagnosis, the recovery - even the news I needed a "redo". I said from day one that this surgery is amazing and I would do it all over again - and I still feel that way. I would recommend this to anyone that needed it. I know some people would not recommend it or wish it on someone, and that's exactly why I said I'm glad this happened to me because I don't think that way. I fought through. My friends and family were my #1 fans, they didn't exactly understand it as much as someone going through it, but they pushed me and kicked me up off the couch. I feel like they helped me, help myself.

If you don't take anything away from this post, just take away positive thoughts. Don't feel sorry for yourself. Don't feel guilty or feel bad people are doing things for you. Accept it. Be grateful. Then, focus on you. It's the only way you'll get out alive!

So, this is NOT the way I intended this post to go but my fingers started and my brain started spinning and I didn't want to stop. In closing arguments, here's a current incision pic! Happy Sunday and remember, get up, get out and get active!

Here I am today!

I promised different pants and here they are. You're welcome.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Today makes something like day 17 post-hardware removal and I am basically normal now! An ache here, a pain there, a click or two here and there - but overall well worth the experience.

Last night, the remaining 10 steristrips fell off. haha I must say, the incision looks pretty fabulous. My guess is that after the PAO they basically botch stitch you up and then when the hardware comes out is when they apply the plastic surgery sewing techniques. That and the fact there's a lot less pulling and tugging during the PAO than the hardware. But it looks almost completely healed up!

I'm super happy with the results vs the way it looked 6 months ago - red and gross for weeks! And wow, I apologize for the same pajama pants in every scar picture. I took the tape off after my shower so I wasn't able to wash off the marker or anything which is why I look like Frankenstein.

This week has been my official start back to the gym for a New Year, New You fitness plan! Last night I decided to try something new - I wanted to start back easy as I didn't want my scar to open up or anything but looks as though that won't be an issue now. I actually attempted running! My new sneakers are amazing...but the running was less than exciting. My leg length difference is a real bummer and I look like a special needs person trying to run, it's pretty depressing as I felt running really gave me a great full body workout. But aside from the legs, I had this pretty awful clicking in my hip! I had originally thought it was the screws and something rubbing over those which is also what my Doc suggested (after being yelled at for running), so now I am not sure what it is but it does not feel good! I ran for 3 minutes, it felt pretty good, but I feel like I look super awkward. Why can't I just be normal in that regard! Anyway, after a 10 minute treadmill warm up I moved over to the Stairmaster to try some new things and BOY do I feel it today. I did 10 minutes of alternating every other step with a kick back, sideways walk and a normal walk at a fast pace. WOW. Love that new routine.

So posts will definitely get less and less and I apologize ahead of time for that. I do need a final MRI and a followup in a few months but I'll push that off as long as possible. And I promise new PJ pants in future photo shoots!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Quick update. I promised incision and steri-strip pics which is basically all this post will be. I was supposed to keep my bandage on and the area dry for 10 days which was Thursday. I ended up leaving it on until Friday morning before jumping the shower. The tegaderm came off very easily and did not cause ANY pain! WINNING! So, Kev helped me rip it off (he enjoys it), I showered and then took pics after. There is one of just the incision and one straight on so you can see how it's situated on my body.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014

~Happy New Year Y'all~

I totally can't believe we're into 2014 already! Let's talk about it. 

We were looking forward to a year without surgery; however, it seems as though someone got a little jealous and wants to go under the knife as well. More on that a little later. In other news, I am around day 10-11 post screw removal and finally feel good. Monday was a week and I was still pretty sore! Now I am feeling much better and the area is only sore to the touch. It doesn't bother me when I stand up anymore and sleeping on my side is much better. This must also be why they want the bandage on and the area dry for 10 days. Man, these doctors really know their stuff!

Christmas Day I had Kevin help change my bandage. Some of the clear Tegaderm had pulled up and I didn't want water to get underneath and cause issues. I also emailed Erin to see if I should leave the bandage off or put a fresh one on. Being through (how many of these?) surgeries you would THINK I knew what I was doing. We removed the bandage and bloody gauze and put on fresh stuff so now it's not so gross to look at. The steri-strips were looking fine - can't wait to pull those babies off! Today I should be able to pull off my bandage so I will do that just before getting into the shower, then it's a waiting game - kind of eager to see what the scar looks like - although I am bracing for the worst.

I also wanted to report that my stride has gotten better. Since now I am not sure and the screws are gone, I can finally see if the aches and "catching" are here for good or temporary. It looks as though that feeling like something was rubbing/clicking/catching has vanished and I feel pretty normal when I walk! The hip is very tight still but with proper stretching and exercise this should loosen up and I will be well on my way! I'm partially looking forward to my first attempt at running on the treadmill and see how that goes. 

About all for now, pictures will arrive soon (most likely at my 3 year post!).

How are those resolutions coming?