Friday, June 7, 2013

Scar update....

I promised some current scar pictures so here we go...

My right one will be cut into AGAIN, and then again at the end of the year for screw removal so hopefully that one heals just as nice as it did the first time. The incisions are really hard to see because they healed so well, I swear my surgeon is also a plastic surgeon on the side. <3 him.

First two are right...second two are left, and the last one is both even though their hard to see. Hubby was trying to be the best photographer he could at 7:30 in the morning!

While I was home, Mom and I were talking about X-Rays and she was pretty sure she still had her originals from before she had her I grabbed them and they actually turned out being my original ones from 2006 when I started having most of my discomfort. So here's a looksie at my left which was causing me a lot of pain at the time due to a torn labrum - my left was the worst overall but my right was more painful which is why it was PAO'd first..
I'll try to get my videos working again from back in Feb 2011 timeframe. For some reason they decided they did not want to play anymore which is a shame because that's some of the most difficult things for me to watch, still. It sums up a lot, without any words.

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