Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday, January, 12, 2014

Happy Anniversary to ME! I'm not sure if I should even really celebrate today being my 3 year Anniversary for my RPAO since it had to be redone. GAH, I hate saying re-done! But, I guess I do still count this because it needed to be done before I could get it fixed the rest of the way. we are.

I definitely want to do a "what to pack" post for newbies as well as a post on things I had at home that helped me and just general things I learned after having 3 surgeries. The will come soon.

To recap the last three years - Roller Coaster. Period. It has been ups and downs in every aspect of my being. I've been Happy, I've been Sad. I've been Excited, I've been Depressed. I've Felt Great, I've Felt Pain. I hit super highs, super lows and everything in between. No one said this was easy. No one told me what to expect. I wasn't on forums, or Facebook groups. I relied on TWO blogs and the real life recovery of one girl that was a few weeks post-op (with my doctor) at the time. I was ready for this. I had to be, my pain was causing me to be someone else, someone that had to say 'no' to plans because I knew it would hurt and no one would understand.

January 2012, one year post RPAO and 6 months post LPAO  - and a few weeks post screw removal. There I was, pain free, feeling great...couldn't have been happier. 2011 sucked, but it was only a year, boom, and done! 2012 was going great. Working out. Going on vacation. We were cruising right along until I slowly got some pain in my right hip. Maybe once, twice a month and only for a short while. This is normal, I thought. But I also remember my doctor asking me how my right hip felt at every appointment. "Fine," I replied. Now, I wasn't feeling so calm. 2013 came along and the pain was getting a little worse and lasting a little longer...and a little longer. Come April, I was close to pre-PAO discomfort and I wanted to die. I had an annual checkup with Millis and finally the answer to his common question "how does the right feel" was finally, "it hurts". He knew for me to talk about pain means it was bad. My level 3 pain is everyone else's level 9. I couldn't believe we were really tossing around the word PAO again...not even 2 1/2 years later and I'm in the same spot. But I didn't crumble. I wasn't happy, but I wasn't going to let this get the best of me...even though it was going to suck. I took this surgery on full force, head on. I had to. What choice did I have? I have been through it, I know how amazing the results are...unfortunately, I had horrible hips and they wanted me to know once and for all just how stubborn they were going to be. They won.

Here I am 3 years ago.

I am just shy of 7 months post op, and as some of you have been reading, about 3 weeks post screw removal. I'm not 100%. I never was and I never will be and I'm ok with that. I'm not in pain, or at least 99% pain free. I'm back at the gym, I'm walking around the mall and don't mind parking far away from things and having to walk. Yes, my muscles and hamstrings are like tight as steel. Yes, my thigh is still numb. Yes, my legs are different lengths. But who cares? I'm not in daily pain. Wasn't that the goal? No one can promise a body better than the one you were born with. But now I have a new outlook, a new quality of life.

I'm glad this happened to me. Yea, that's kind of sick to say but it's true. I can handle it. I didn't shy away from the news, the diagnosis, the recovery - even the news I needed a "redo". I said from day one that this surgery is amazing and I would do it all over again - and I still feel that way. I would recommend this to anyone that needed it. I know some people would not recommend it or wish it on someone, and that's exactly why I said I'm glad this happened to me because I don't think that way. I fought through. My friends and family were my #1 fans, they didn't exactly understand it as much as someone going through it, but they pushed me and kicked me up off the couch. I feel like they helped me, help myself.

If you don't take anything away from this post, just take away positive thoughts. Don't feel sorry for yourself. Don't feel guilty or feel bad people are doing things for you. Accept it. Be grateful. Then, focus on you. It's the only way you'll get out alive!

So, this is NOT the way I intended this post to go but my fingers started and my brain started spinning and I didn't want to stop. In closing arguments, here's a current incision pic! Happy Sunday and remember, get up, get out and get active!

Here I am today!

I promised different pants and here they are. You're welcome.


  1. Hi Danielle

    I've been reading your blog this morning....I'm scheduled to have a PEO for acetabular retroversion so I think it's a reverse PEO, this summer. SCARED to say that least!!!

    I notice you mention a Facebook group? What's the group called exactly? I'd love to chat with you a bit more about you post op experiences if you wouldn't mind?


  2. Hi Leslie! Welcome to my journey (what's left of it) :)

    Don't be scared, really, if you are in any sorts of pain you will come out feeling so great. You can email me directly, and we can chat more about my experience in depth. I look forward to talking with you.

    The FB group is called Periacetabular Osteotomy You have to be accepted into the group. Just be forwarned, some people are huge complainers and list the negative so take each comment lightly. ;-) Personally, I'm glad I was not a part of a forum like this because it can really freak someone out. I talked one-on-one with someone and that was all I needed. And the fact that my pain was just excruciating...I would do just about anything!

    Keep in touch!

  3. Thank you so much for writing all of this down! I've spent a good part of the day reading your blog. I'm scheduled in July for my first PAO. Although I have had an abdominal surgery and 2 c-section births, I am still terrified (to put it mildly). I have anxiety and it really helps me to know what to expect. For the most part your posts are positive, and I needed to read that. I've seen a lot of negativity out there and it makes it scarier for sure! I am mostly freaking out about my ability to care for my kids. I have a wonderful hubby, who can take a few weeks off work, but my kids are 1 & 5. That should be interesting.

    Anyway I just wanted to thank you for your detailed posts. It calms me a lot knowing what to expect. I've been toying with the idea of putting off the surgery a few more years. I'm just torn right now. It's nice to see you are feeling better after surgery. I just hope it's worth it!

  4. HI! I'm happy you stumbled onto my blog, and my 3 year anniversary one at that! I'm sure you've read already, but blogs are what prepared me for this surgery. I expected the worst but read through blogs (as there was not much information out there 3 years ago) and talked to others that were on the other side of the PAO and it completely changed my outlook...not to mention my pain was a 20 on a 1-10!! How is your pain? I'd love to talk to you about everything - and for me, it was 120% worth it!!! Please feel free to email me and we can talk more! :-)

  5. Thank you SO much for your information and personal experience. I very much appreciate your positivity and truth in what to expect. I am scheduled to have RPAO May 30th and am nervous not totally knowing what to expect. I saw in this blog that you were going to put together a "what to pack" list...Have you done that? I'm new to the blogging thing and I think I miraculously stumbled across your blog. I haven't read all of them yet but definitely will. Thanks know you again for the info! I'm happy to hear of your great results!

  6. Hi! Welcome to hip-central and I hope I can be of some inspiration to you during the journey. It's not THAT bad. Ok. I kid. It's pretty crappy. HAHA I actually was going to post my "what to pack" list last night and I got sidetracked so I am most certainly getting to that today. I am glad the blog has been helping you a little. As horrible as the surgery is, I did try to stay positive for myself as well as others going through it because it's truly the only way to 'make it'. Before you know it, 8 weeks has passed and you're basically free to be normal. I started my blog over 3 years ago and back then there were not many blogs or even many people sharing their experience so I had to find forums and email people one on one. There was no Facebook page (which I have my own opinions about) so I was kind of on my own. Now there are SO many blogs. But I feel like mine really captures everything and the feelings. I've read others and they aren't necessarily as informative.

    As for the screws (your other comment), I have not done anything with them yet as I can't seem to find the right idea. Someone said to attach them to wood to make some kind of towel or coat rack...but idk. I got the screws no questions asked. I was awake for the removal and he put the screws on my lap as they wheeled me to recovery.

    Feel free to email to if you have any other questions!


  7. Oh lordy! I am nervous about the screw removal!!! My doctor hasn't said anything about removing them so hearing they need to come out was shockerville. I'm going to keep thinking about something awesome for them though! Thank you for getting back to me so quickly and for the what to pack list! I screen shot the list so I can get started and not wait til the last minute. I cannot wait until I am 8 weeks post op and moving right along! I took down your email so I can keep in contact. Thank you for being so helpful! Have a great day! Kelley
