Saturday, July 6, 2013

Saturday, July 6, 2013 - Day 11

Not even at two weeks yet - bummer!

Woke up today a bit groggy...slept pretty good again, can't complain about that too bad. But the Oxy Contin is what puts me to sleep and also makes me quite blah and tired sometimes. Can't wait to be off that one for sure. Took 600mg ibuprofen and had NO affect, take 20mg OxyContin and I'm out cold for 12 hours, unreal the strength of those babies!

The big adventure today was the trip to BJs with the family to stock up on bulk grocery items. Of course, I got to shop in the motorized cart and got stared at and annoyed by stupid people not moving out of my way!

It's a family affair...

I also showered this morning which helps a lot in feeling refreshed and what not. The drive to the store was fine, took Kevin's truck which doesn't have running boards but we have a step stool anyway but didn't need to use it. Just balance on the door and two crutches under my arm and use my good leg to get up in the truck backward and someone has to carry my bad leg with me as I slide in. Not too bad. Then when I get out, I just slide out...nbd!

Don't have much else to report. I ended up taking Codone and Contin before bed last night because I was a bit more sore than normal...also Kevin tickled me by accident and I tensed up and my leg cramped and it hurt SO badly. Not bad today, my incision is a little sore probably from all the in and out of the truck and twisting and moving. Also, the quad muscle and inner muscle still being pains...literally. Just taking it slow...trying to. Not much else I can do!! Almost at two weeks, maybe be on the up swing after Tuesday! I better be a little more on my feet because breakfast and lunch aren't going to be handed to me on a silver platter after Mom leaves. :-(

Hoping for one of these days to actually feel a LITTLE more pain free...

Just got an email from Millis asking how I was and any position (sleeping) is ok, just be careful. I'm pretty sure I got the position situation under control!! ;-)

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