Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013 - Day 12

My post from day 12 2 years ago...kind of made me chuckle:

"Man....less than 2 weeks post-op and I am SO done with this. I guess the second one is kind of worse because you're so impatient at this point you just want it to be OVER! I can't just sit and wait now because it's not anything new! As much as I was looking forward to it...I'm ready for it to just be over, honestly."
I was having some sciatic nerve issues then and it wasn't fun, but I had to laugh because now here I am day 12, THIRD PAO and again, I am SO over this. God, it just gets me how I would have NEVER thought I'd be doing this again, gets me every time.

Anyway, enough of the depressing talk...woke up around 7:30 or 8 and had to pee so badly but refused to wake up Kevin so I just kind of laid there for a little but until he started rolling around and then I said I gotta pee so bad! Got me up to pee then went back into bed because I was feeling SO lazy!! We got up around 8:45 or 9ish for good!

I have to digress here a little, last night was an absolute nightmare. For some reason, my hip/leg were KILLING me yesterday/last night from my hip right down my knee everything was just throbbing uncontrollably. I don't know if I did too much...or turned the wrong way or what but it brought me to tears because just sitting here was very painful. Millis and Erin have mentioned a couple times to take Valium even though I swear against it...gosh I REEEEALLY didn't want to take that stuff so I tried a Contin first to maybe relax me...then right before I got into bed we decided a half (2.5mg) of Valium. I feel like the 5mg pill is lower dose than last time which is good. I went to bed on my stomach but only made it a couple hours, tried my side but was almost excruciating so over to my back from about midnight-thirty until I woke up. I didn't have weird dreams or have any out of body experiences so maybe try another Valium tonight, a full pill to see if that helps since my leg has actually felt pretty good today.

Back to today...we had reservations for a German restaurant about an hour away but the hour ride there, hour eating and hour drive home I thought it might be a little too much for my leg today. Sooo, we just went to a place around here for lunch..which was fine with everyone.

This morning had a GREAT visit with our friends! My friend Jen texted me yesterday asking if they could stop over today to see me and bring some goodies and we said of course. They got here around 10:30 and also my other friend Agnes was with them which was a really nice surprise because I didn't know she was coming either. We chatted for about an hour and they brought some food and beautiful flowers! It was the first time I had visitors and it was SOOO nice to feel normal and talk to them besides over texts. :-)  yay!!! Thanks guys, you made my day for reelz!

Welp, Mom and Dad left and now Kevin is stuck with me to make lunch, make dinners...tend to my requests...hopefully not for TOO much longer, but tomorrow is going to be a rude awakening when no one is here to help me make breakfast... :-\ Maybe it will help my recovery go quicker but I just have to keep telling myself NOT to overdo it and just relax! I have two more weeks out of work so I'm going to rest and enjoy them.

In other news, thanks to hipster Jackie and my new (and most fitting) Essie: Hip-Anema nail polish, Kevin cleaned me up and gave me some puuurdy toes! He washed and rubbed my feet with hot water and then lotioned them and it felt sooooo good, then he painted my toenails! Love love love him!! :-)

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