This day seemed to fly by.
I woke up around 8:30am and went straight into the shower...where my wonderful husband shaved me disgustingly hairy legs and helped remove my bandage...
I kept the bandage on for (almost) 10 days and then the steristrips are supposed to just fall off on their own. They are pretty stuck on me so I won't go pulling them off any time soon like I have in the past.
So around 10am I got a visit from fellow hipster, Jackie! I had met her (really her boyfriend at the time) on the Facebook PAO page and then through him and his questions started talking with Jackie as she was only a couple months behind my second PAO. Hers was also performed at Children's by Dr. Kim. It was so cool to meet another fellow in this..and have it be NOT in a hospital! We had a great chat and she brought me awesome goodies along with a pillow pet which I never even thought would be a good idea but it works so well under my knee, you were right!!
After she left we had breakfast? was after 11:00am!! After that, we hung around and before we knew it, it was 4pm already!! Where did the day go? We played some cards, ate some delish food and relaxed and sat down to eat dinner at 8pm. I kind of hate the day to end because getting in to bed you never know what the night will bring. Last night as I was just drifting off to sleep (second night on my stomach I might add) I twitched and swear to god I thought I broke my hip! It was such a big twitch it hurt SO friggin' bad. I slept aright, but woke up with a slight headache. I also cut a contin in half which I learned was a bad idea because it's in a slow release coating and by cutting it in half leaves one side open and dissolves into my system all at once. Oh well! I was really sore today and I hate that. It's not even my hip! I had pain in my inner thigh and my butt, all muscular. Why won't that stupid pain just go away. Make my hip hurt, no problem...that's the broken part...but leave my muscle alone. Also, the crease where my leg bends has been sore today too, very much so!
I'm ready to go bed and hope tomorrow is twice as better than today.
Icing my hip with my zebra pillow pet.
Footnote: poop after eating beets is red. don't be scurred.
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