A LOT to report today...Mom wants to use my computer and check her email but I gotta get today's events noted first!
To begin with, last night we are dinner on the patio (thanks Mom and Kev!)...and we sat around the table playing cards and all the sudden I felt my insides moving around and VOILA, made a bathroom trip ALL by myself. No meds necessary. Not sure if it was the prunes, the hot tea, the beets, the colace or the walking up and downstairs 18 millions times to use the commode but boy things got moving!! YAY! I am back on track. Went again today after my iced coffee too so we're back in business, no more potty talk!
Had another long night sleep. I wanted to try stomach sleeping last night, so I fell asleep that way. It was a little sore but not bad. Took a contin (20mg) and a codone (10mg) before bed just to ease my body. I did really well! 10pm-12am on my stomach, then did my side for another few hours, back to my stomach and ended on my side...woke up at 8:45! I can't believe how much I'm sleeping and during all that my hip is healing, healing, healing!
I woke up a little groggy but got some food in me and seemed to be OK. I logged into my work computer and took some stress off my boss (you're welcome)! Then around noon, Mom wanted to go grocery shopping to get a few things for the big 4th of July festivities so I decided I would go too. Threw a shirt and a hat on and off we went. Walked into the store and luckily they had a motorized cart right inside the door, I hopped on and off we went. The store was crawling with old people today for some reason, they probably wondered why such a lovely young girl was in a cart! At least I had crutches with me. I was doing so well until I decided to back up...not that the backup sensor isn't embarrassing enough, but I knocked over a whole display of dog toys!!! oops. I got over to Mom and said uhh, I knocked that over can you get someone...so she found a poor kid and he took the blame while he cleaned it up...it was kinda funny! Can't take me anywhere. I was getting a little sore sitting all crooked in that thing but we paid and went out to the truck. We emptied the bags but we forgot Strawberries and it didn't sense for us BOTH to go back into the store just for me to drop the cart off and crutch back to the car...so Mom had to take the cart back in and she said NO pictures...so guess what I did? I couldn't stop laughing, I think I popped a stitch...
After shopping we treated ourselves to Starbucks!
We then got home and when I thought I was going to be exhausted, I wasn't too bad! We hate some lunch and back to the couch I went to get back to work and I worked most of the night until dinner and even after. I'm pretty much caught up from a week so that's good.
Big, exciting, news...Miss Jacqueline, a fellow Hipster that is almost 2 years post will be visiting tomorrow morning as she passes through New Haven! It's exciting! She recuperated just a few months behind my second PAO and her, then, boyfriend at the time was very helpful in getting to know about the surgery and do's and don'ts and whatever else. Now she is recovered, not needing her other hip done and driving through the area on her way home for the holiday and we finally get to meet! So, tomorrow morning I get to meet another girlie. It's amazing how this PAO stuff you really make such a bond with people you have never met that you feel like friends already. I honestly don't know what other kind of procedure (besides having a disease) brings so many - young - people together! So I'm looking forward to that!
That's about it...my thigh is still numb which sucks big time because Millis promised he didn't even go near my nerve, :-( I just hope I don't have lingering issues after this is healed the second time. The third time around I get to push the envelope a bit more and REALLY know what I can and can't do which is good in the long run. Things started out rough, but I'd say this is the fastest overall. Day 8 and almost completely off meds and sleeping like a baby? What can't I do? Bring it!! I don't know about faith and this and that...but I'm glad I was given this because I feel like I can overcome it with an ALMOST perfect mood and mindset. One PAO is is bad enough, the second one...not too great but the third one, I mean...you literally want to crawl into a hole and die. My mind is really trying to stay positive and focus on the end and not dwell. I get frustrated and have to quickly change my mood that it'll be over soon. I was talking to Mom earlier too about how I've been doing better and I just said that I know (now) that no matter how bad something is today, chances are it's going to be half as better tomorrow...and even better the next day! Which is true. I was brushing my teeth last night and the inner thigh muscle thing hit me SO badly that fell into tears but today it's quite a bit better so I can't complain.
Just trying to take it ONE day at a time and know that it's getting better and better each day. So today was a big day and eventful and tomorrow should be even better! Here's a picture of my bandage before I remove it tomorrow..
Looking forward to better and better days with a smile on my face! And couldn't get through these last 8 days without my family and friends because the beginning was pretty difficult! And especially Mom and Kevo for putting up with my demands and playing "house" for me!
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