Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 4 Months and a few days

I had my pre-op/post-op yesterday. Yes I received funny looks from the staff at the hospital about that one. Post-op on my RPAO and pre-op for my left. Sheesh, people would say I was crazy....but I'm not.

The day was VERY long though. So many obstacles and what not. But when I finally got to see Millis (2 1/2 hours after my appointment time) it was all good. Actually I had seen him earlier when he was holding my leg for xrays. But Erin and Jaime came in and did most of my appointment. Doing my range of motion and what not and they were impressed with the ROM on both legs. So that's pretty cool. I was the most flexible of the day (except for the little down syndrome girl!), YES! I asked a few questions, she said the screws may be causing some of the odd aches and pains I've been having so once they are out I will get a better feel for what's going on in there. I feel like a pro at this. I only went through it 4 months ago! It's still fresh in my mind. Millis came in and also moved my legs around and almost broke off my left one! He was flipping it all around and I'm like OW! Then he goes "oh did that hurt" uhh yeah actually it did. But I said it's OK since I'm getting a new one, so break away! He again said he's going to cut a bit more and rotate it more than the right since the right one isn't as covered as he had wished but he wasn't sure while he's doing it.

Then I met with Jaime in PT and she had me walk with the crutches again. It's tough to get it into my head to switch legs. I'm used to the one leg but now I have to focus on the other one. Obviously it'll be easier after surgery because there's only one way I'm going to able to walk. But she was also telling me what to expect on the right hip after the screws are removed. It will be sore, but the three days in bed will help with that. There will be not weight restrictions so I can stand on it full weight right out of bed. Then I will officially be done with my right hip! Amazing if you ask me. She also works Monday and Tuesdays so she might be the one getting me out of bed on day 3! I apologized in advance for my mood on that day! That was pretty much the ONLY time I felt pain. Just a few tears but I got through it. Dread that day for sure!

So that's all I got....may not update again until after surgery so wish me luck!

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