Monday, May 20, 2013

May 20, 2013 - Just over a month away...

Yep, just over a month and I'll be right back where I was two years ago. Still trying to keep that smile but it's difficult. I admit, Saturday I had my first break/meltdown. It was small and over quickly, but doesn't make it any less frustrating/annoying/upsetting. My paperwork arrived over the weekend giving me all my dates and times for preop, surgery and postop, I started reading through I really needed to, and I guess that was ultimately when this all hit me again...well that and the fact my allergies were off the hook and I wanted to die! But 5 minutes and it was over and done with and we were moving on, no sense dwelling.

So other than that, things are pretty steady. Getting work things under control and figured out since my coworker is leaving 4 weeks after my we have to hire and train someone new before I go so they'll be all set for when I get back and she leaves...that's a nightmare in itself. But not mine to worry about.

Physically, my right hip has been bothering me almost daily since my appointment in April which I guess really is a blessing. Who wants surgery, especially a redo on a hip, or body part that is painfree? It got to the point where I actually said to myself, how did I EVER put up with this pain for so many years? Honestly, I guess I just got used to being in such severe pain that it didn't really cause me to think any differently but now that I've been feeling so great this new pain is kicking my ass! Could also be why I've been feeling so tired lately. As much as I am for sure dreading this again, I am obviously very positive about it and looking forward to being OFFICIALLY done, hopefully forever.

I called my insurance company today because my parents are on my tail - since the first time around insurance was new to me and delayed my surgery 3 times...learned from that for sure. They were worried that I already had 2 hip surgeries so they may not cover another one...lucky for me, my company switched insurance and I have a clean slate!! Even better, she said that my surgery may not even require a approval - and regardless, it's the hospital's responsibility to contact the insurance company and if they don't contact them and get the approval (if required) then they cannot bill me for it. BONUS!!!!!!!! haha I like Cigna. But I will call again, closer to the date just for sure.

And because I know you all feel bad for me, feel free to purchase any of the following and send my way...  feel bad for me...then tell me how brave I am. :-) (use coupon code SAVE30 to get 30% off until 5/22) (2 of these, either size)

Creative Bath "Aspen" wire Storage Baskets

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