Friday, May 10, 2013

Here we are again...

So, I figured it's about time I fill my readers in on some updates in my PAO world of Danielle. Quite a bit has been happening since my last update, and I apologize for that...not like many people are reading this and the ones that are...are in my family and already know it all!

I did post about my appointment back in October or November so I don't need to catch anyone up on that. I've been staying very active and getting back to the gym and staying in shape and getting stronger and stronger. I was going a lot last year and kind of stopped around August so I started back up again the beginning of the year and have been going strong since. I try for 3 days at the gym, usually with cardio and then whatever else I feel like. I typically do a 10-15 minute run/jog or just go for a straight mile. Sometimes I feel crazy and do a little longer and TWICE I have done a 5k on the treadmill. The first one was fine, 36 minutes with only about 0.5mile worth of walking. The second one was most recent and the first two miles were no problem, the third one literally KILLED me and my feet and ankles were sore for days. :-)  haha Haven't learned my lesson yet either. Sometimes I change it up and do the elliptical or stairmaster so I don't constantly have the impact on my hips.

My 6 month MRI and post up was at the end of April and it came at a good time as I was having a little discomfort/issue thing going on with my right hip and that's the one in question lately. On the front of my hip was some soreness and a hard, wormy feeling thing and it was bothering me. I got my MRI...which I am SOO sick of having, then went to my appointment the following day to see what was going on. Got an ultrasound of my hip and turns out it was just some fluid building up for whatever reason...(and now a few weeks later it has gone away). Aside from that, my flexibility is good, my angles are all good, Millis's assistant said that the mobility I have is great and you wouldn't even know I had two surgeries. BONUS. So he again showed concern over my lack of coverage on the right ball and it's still resting on the outside edge of the socket causing me the discomfort, pinching feeling I'd say once or twice a month. Here is the good part. I nothing for now and see how things go in the next few months/years, I could have my femur rotated so it's in my socket better, or I could have another PAO. WHAT!?? Seriously Millis? I like you and all, but I don't want you inside my body AGAIN! Out of the 1500-1600 PAO's him and his partner have done, he has only done 3 redo's. GREAT...I'm going to be another statistic.

Moving on, after talking to the family and the hubs (whom also classifies as family), we decided to get this done right away. My plan for kids before I'm 30 is slowly slipping away but that's ok. I'll have good, sturdy bones at least. :-\  Unfortunately, Danielle strikes again and had to ruin everyone's vacation plans which we had for September to go to Las Vegas to Cali and then a mini cruise out of LA....but they're VERY understanding and want the best for me. Vegas will still be there next year waiting for us.

I'm not sure where I am just yet mentally. This is kind of all moving fast and I haven't had too much time to dwell on it yet. It sucks. It sucks a lot. But for example this morning while walking around the house getting ready for work I said, "man my hip hurts" said to Kevin, "bet you didn't think you'd be hearing that ever least not this soon." So yeah, I do need the surgery again, it should be a little easier this time as he won't have to "tweak" the bones too too much. But it's a full PAO, same recovery...same basket-case Danielle. I'm prepared. The first one was slow, the second one was quicker so I'm looking forward to this recovery flying by because I feel like it's going to. This year has flown by so I know I'll be at 2 months post at a blink of an eye and walking unaided again and hopefully pain free.

Pre-op - May 28
RPAO redo - June 25

See ya fools later.

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