Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday, July 28, 2013 - Day 33

A low key kind of day up and rushed right out to Starbucks before Kevin woke up to get our fix and came home to a sleepy baby. haha Cooked a nice breakfast and basically lounged around most of the day. In a little better mood today, I had Kevin massage my butt last night to help relax the muscles and nerve...he's a good guy, huh? haha I slept great, got up to use the bathroom and managed to fall back asleep for another couple of hours.

Today was my post-op for my LPAO which was interesting to read because I can actually see what I'm allowed to do and not do at this point. Erin had officially given me the OK to use 1 crutch and she even asked me to walk with none...too soon, too soon. But I won't chance it until we see the xray this time. It's a bone thing and not just a timing thing. But one crutch feels great, so I can only imagine the bone is doing really well. Trying to ingest yogurt, milk and vitamins! Also, the pain in my butt last time was the bone still trying to grow which eventually became a stress fracture so I don't want to do too much. I will start the new exercises and my stretching. Millis asked me last time if I was eating so I can only assume he's going to ask me that again.... :-)

Three days of work this week then road tripping to Boston, having an appointment...grabbing my bro and back to NY for a fun, busy weekend! Come along for the ride!

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