Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011 -- Day 12

Kevin and I play in a card league on Sunday nights and I wasn't going to go last night but just as he was leaving I decided I wanted to go too. I didn't play, I just observed because I do get tired quick, but it was nice to get some fresh air and move around a bit, it was the first time I left the house since I came home!

Today was eventful. I woke up around 7:30 and had to pee but refused to get up! So I kept trying to fell back to sleep, but around 8 I decided I would get up. So this was the first time I attempted to get in and out of bed alone and it was a success! I threw off the sheets and shifted to more sitting position then grabbed my thigh with my hands and moved it off of the bed and VOILA! To get back into bed is a little more challenging. I sat on the edge and shimmied onto the bed about halfway, then I bent my leg up at the knee (grabbing my thigh again) I then put it on the pillow (that I use under my leg at night) and moved it down the pillow and laid back down. Then I decided I'd try to lay on my side again and that was successful for maybe 30 minutes or so. I also didn't take any pain meds since I went to bed at night so I was doing great. Kevin woke up and forced me out of bed, and again I got out by myself so I feel more self sufficient; however, I still need help to put pants and socks onto my op leg, but that will come with time.

The coldest day of the year we decide to treck out this morning and do some errands at the bank! It felt good to get out again but I was exhausted when I got home and my heard was pounding! It's noon time and I haven't taken pain meds since 11pm last night and I still feel pretty good!

Kevin went to work around 11am so it's my first time being home alone so we'll see how this goes. It's so cold and I'm under 2 blankets and don't feel like getting up to walk around!!! This is not fun! Can't wait for the second PAO to be in the summer!

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