Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011 -- Day 45

6 1/2 weeks post op and walking frequently without the crutch....still have a limp and it's really terrible because I want to rid myself of this awful limp I've had all my life. But my leg just isn't strong enough to give it up yet, plus it's longer than the other and the other is too sore. But all in all I feel at a good place. Last night went to the mall with Kevin and my Mom and I did a fair bit of walking/standing and felt pretty good, the one crutch wasn't bad at all, and this was after working 7 hours.

Today we did some grocery shopping, I put my crutch in the cart and just used that to lean on...felt pretty normal and how I did things pre-surgery. After that I went to the mall and looked for a shirt I couldn't find in my size last night. I managed to find some other things and was carrying them around in my empty hand along with my wallet and dropped that. UGH not so easy to just bend over and get it with a crutch but some nice older lady came running over and picked it up for me, thank you! I got my things and got out of there! I came home and organized our entire closet for the remainder of the afternoon. Who would have thought at at this stage in the recupe I'd be walking around and organizing closets? I feel SO fortunate to be doing SO well. Just hope my next one is as good. Speaking of....hellooooo May 27! Do I start the countdown? I can't be where I am now 6 weeks after May 27 is amazing to me. I can't to see how my right leg feels at that point. It's not in any hip pain which is so strange after being in so much pain. The muscles are still sore but everything else feels fine.

Attached are some pics of my incision. The stitch that was sticking out at the top has since disappeared!! I have no idea what was there in the morning and in the afternoon was gone. Now sure if my neosporin dissolved it or if it fell off. hahaha so gross. The pictures don't really do it justice, it looks real red but it's not that bad. It looks good in the morning after jeans aren't rubbing on it all day.

Haven't updated much of my do's and can't do's recently...but I no longer have a shower chair, I can just bend over to shave my leg, wash it and dry it. I use a regular toilet seat (but do use the handicap one in public places since it's usually higher than the others. I walk up and downstairs without the crutch (although it's still under my arm incase I need it). I walk around the kitchen/bedroom without the crutch to help build the muscles and try to kick the limp. Can put my leg out the side (the start of indian style) just a bit, but more than most people at this stage. I can put on socks and sneakers (when I'm not feeling lazy) and bring my leg up pretty close to my chest for a short period of time...that's not too comfortable yet. I don't sleep with any extra pillows anymore. So that's what's going on. There's not much I can't do. Obviously I can do almost everything, a bit modified.....except run really.

Here's the pics: excuse the stomach....this is what happens when you sit for 6 1/2 weeks with no exercise. NOT GOOD! We cruise in 20 days! crap.

Here's Kevin and I meeting Anthony Bourdain...I got him tickets for Christmas (notice I hid my crutch)!

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