Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011 -- Day 20

Wow, tomorrow is 3 weeks post-op...I can't say that time has flown by but it's gone pretty quick! I hope the next 3 go just as fast to I can get to my Dr. appointment and maybe add more weight or something!

I emailed Dr. Millis yesterday telling him my progress and to see if there was anything additional I could do to help strengthen. He said I can walk in a pool with water to my waist (not sure where to find a pool right now - for my LPAO it'll be summer and our Condo has a pool) but for now I'm pretty stuck, and my gym doesn't have a pool. He has also allowed me to use a stationary bike! Another cool thing, but I don't think I can drive yet so basically someone would have to drive me to the gym. Bummer. But I'd only last 15-20 minutes anyway. AND...ready for this? Drum roll.... I CAN SLEEP ON MY STOMACH! Heck yeah, right? He said I may want a pillow under my stomach while I lay, but I don't know how that would be comfortable at all. I tried being on my stomach last night (while Kevin was there so I wasn't a beached whale all night) and it was pretty good. It got slightly sore so I had to keep moving from side to back but one more step!

Scar is looking great and keeping up with the Neosporin. I don't have much else to write about at the moment.

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