Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011 -- Day 60

60 days, a little over 8 weeks and I feel really good. I was sore after the commotion on Friday but today I am feeling fine. I went shopping and didn't use my crutch, I just used the cart to walk around. I walked around the house with no assistance today. My left hip was very painful but the right feels so wonderful I can't believe it. I was on the floor doing to arts and crafts, although I couldn't get into a comfortable indian style, I was sitting on my knees and that was good.

Tonight I did my exercises because I haven't done them in a while. I used the harder stretch band and that was easy. My hamstring stretch hurts because I've never been very flexible so I don't try those too hard. But I did new stretches and my Indian Style is about 95% perfect and almost comfortable. I have a little longer to go, but I feel that this is coming along great considering I was told it would take a while to get this motion back.

I'm heading up to Boston tomorrow and meeting up with one, maybe two fellow hipsters! One girl had her second PAO a week before my first - she was my inspiration when I first found out what a PAO was. The other girl was my roommate in the hospital she was a couple days after me. Two of us have a post-op on Tuesday so I hope we can all get together. What a site, three chicks on crutches cruisin' around Boston. So hopefully Millis will let me ditch my crutch for good...although I will keep it near until I really feel comfortable.

Not sure if I posted this already but I was SO bloated still! But once I hit 8 weeks, everything got moving and I am SO much better now. I don't have a huge rock in my stomach anymore. So glad that fixed itself and not looking forward to it again.

So I will post some incision pictures, it's looking a little better. Will be interested to hear what Millis has to say, I hope to start PT when I get back from the cruise. :-)

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