Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 -- Day 62

Tomorrow is 9 weeks, amazing. And today was my second, and last post-op for my right hip!! Say hallelujah, say amen! Where do I even begin?

So we drove up to Boston and had reservations for dinner and we met up with fellow hipster Alana whom I've been in contact with since October. She had her second PAO a week before mine, early January. So we were referred to as the "crutch reservation" great. Megan, our other hipster that was also my roommate and a couple days after me, unfortunately couldn't make it! Total bummer. So anyway, we had some dinner and then walked a block to have drinks at another bar. It was such a fun night and really great to hang out and really talk to someone going through the same thing. It was her and her boyfriend, Kevin, my brother and I...and it was a real fun time.

My brother made us take one T back to his apartment and not switch lines to get off at the closer stop so I ended up walking well over a mile last night to and from dinner, but I felt great! (except my left...duh).

So this morning we went to CHB early and tried to find a place to eat....which consisted of Kevin and I walking in a HUGE circle...at least a mile...just to end back up at Au Bon Pain at CHB. SO annoyed and in pain def...but not on the right. I checked in, got my x-rays, put in a request to get a CD of my x-rays and sat back in the waiting room with Alana...and waited...and waited...and waited. I think she got called in about the time my appointment was supposed to be, we didn't get called in until noon..for a 10:45 appointment. Got into my appointment, immediately Millis did my strength test be putting my leg in the air and asking me to hold it there, then he did the range of motion exercises, he was flipping my leg ALL over the place, and then did my left one...I'm sore now. Erin asked about my second hip and I said June 20 and Millis almost had a cow. He said that I can't wait until then to have this one done and he will get me in before then. So...cross my fingers I get this done soon.

I asked the few questions I had..the baby screw is holding muscle in place...the screws are affecting my ROM slightly, he's not sure why my shoulder lost rom and may have to see a shoulder doc...and if I can start PT after my cruise....awesome news...I don't need to do PT! He said I am really strong so basically there's not much the PT can do that I can't do at a gym. SO YAY! Although I was looking forward to doing PT. Erin also asked if I've been using my crutch...I kind of gave her a look like "I want to tell you no, but I don't want Millis to hear me" so she got the point. She asked me to walk without the crutch down the hall and said I was plenty strong so it's not an issue. I said it was only the last couple of days when everything clicked and felt really great so she told me that I'm right on target with how recovery should go...so it's not too surprising I'm doing well.

Bummer alert - Millis said I have too much ROM still. He uses the healing of the first hip to decide how to do the second PAO and he said he could have done more on the first hip, so I'll be able to move it more than he would like, but this is not a bad thing, the left will just be slightly less flexible.

I went to meet with Jaime and got new exercises...YOWCH!
1) I have to keep doing the hamstring stretch and have Kevin help because it's still REALLY tight.
2) Lay on my non-op side (left), left leg bent op leg straight. Lift the leg halfway up (count of 3) then lift it all the way up (count of 3) then down, 5x.
3) Lay on op side, left leg bent and knee resting on towel in front of me, op leg straight out underneath it. Raise the op leg up off the table as much as possible. 5x (this one hurts unless you lay on a towel, it felt like my screws were ripping through my skin)!
4) Same bridge as before, squeeze towel between my knees, lift pelvis, squeeze butt..then "march" with my right and left feet 3 times each...just slightly off of the ground.

So these are all quite difficult. I also was curious about the tightness I felt when I lift my leg up close to my body, I feel like I get to a certain spot and I can't bring it any closer to my body. She said this is scar tissue, swelling and what not that is affecting the motion. I will also be a little restricted since the femur is now stopping my joint to move all over the place. But she gave me another stretch to help get things moving in there. I also had a question about walking...I don't feel like I can get a full stride, like I cut my stride short when my op leg is back. I will ask her if that's along the same lines.

I got a CD of my x-rays...I wanted all of the rays taken since Oct but I guess they only gave me the x-rays from today...so here ya go! p.s. I can walk without crutches as much as I WANT!!! BIG NEWS.

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